Presentations in Meetings and Conferences
Presentations in National Meetings
1. Katyonik Tuzların Polimerik Sistemlerde Kullanımı
1. Ulusal Makromolekül Sempozyumu, Ankara (1983)
2. Fenilazotrifenilmetan ve Türevlerinin Fotokimyasal Polimerleşmede
Kullanımı ve Sonlandırıcı Etkisi
B. Hazer, Y. Yağcı
1. Kimya Sempozyumu, Erzurum (1984)
3 . Aktif Uçlu Politetrahidrofuran Sentezi ve Graft Polimerleşmesi
Y. Yağcı, A. C. Aydoğan ve M. Acar
1. Kimya Sempozyumu, Erzurum (1984)
4. 4-Vinilsiklohekzendioksidin Katyonik Polimerizasyonu
Y. Yağcı, A. C. Aydoğan ve G. Hızal
1. Kimya Sempozyumu (1984)
5. Taç (Crown) Eter İçeren Polimerlerin Sentezi
Y. Yağcı, Ü. Tunca ve N. Bıçak
1. Ulusal Makromolekül Kollekyumu, Ankara (1984)
6. Yeni Amid-Oksim Polimerlerinin Sentezi ve Bunların Metal İyonlarıyla
Çapraz Bağlanması
N. Bıçak, Ü.Tunca ve Y. Yağcı
1. Ulusal Makromolekül Kollokyumu, Ankara (1984)
7. Sülfonyum ve İyodonyum Tuzlarının Yükseltgenmiş Polimerleşmede
Y. Yağcı
II. Ulusal Makromolekül Sempozyumu, Ankara (1985)
8. Katyonik ve Radikal Mekanizmalarının Kombinasyonu ile Blok
Kopolimer Sentezi
Y. Yağcı
II. Kimya Sempozyumu, Ankara (1985)
9. Stiren-Bütil Vinileter Blok Kopolimer Sentezi
Y. Yağcı, M. Acar, G. Hızal, B. Baysal ve H. Yıldırım
III. Ulusal Kimya Sempozyumu, Ankara (1986)
10. Yeni Bir Yöntemle Makro-Gözenekli Poli(stiren-ko-divinil benzene)
Kürelerin Eldesi
N. Talınlı, A. Akar, A.C. Aydoğan ve Y.Yağcı
III. Ulusal Kimya Sempozyumu, Ankara (1986)
11. Yüzeyler Arası Polimerizasyon ile Makroazobaşlatıcı Sentezi
U. Tunca, Y. Yağcı ve N. Bıçak
III. Ulusal Kimya Sempozyumu, Ankara (1986)
12. Tetrahidrofuran'ın Klorlanmış Hycar Polimerleri ve AgBF4 ile Polimerizasyonu
A. Sakarcan, Y. Yağcı ve A . C. Aydoğan
III. Ulusal Kimya Sempozyumu, Ankara (1986)
13. Fotokimyasal Katyonik Polimerizasyonda Son Gelişmeler
Y. Yağcı
III. Ulusal Makromolekül Sempozyumu, Ankara (1986)
14. İniferter Yöntemiyle Metakrilonitril ile Hekzaflorbütil Metakrilat Blok
Kopolimer Eldesi
M. Acar, Y. Yağcı ve W. Schnabel
V. Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu
15. Fenilazotrifenilmetanın Fotokimyasal Bozunması Sırasında Katyonik Tanecik
M. Acar, Y.Yağcı ve W. Schnabel
V. Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu , Ankara (1989)
16. Tetrahidrofuranın 4,4'-Azobis(4-siyanopentanoilklorür) AgSbF6 Sistemi ile
Başlatılmış Katyonik Polimerizasyonu
G. Hızal ve Y.Yağcı
V. Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu , Ankara (1989)
17. Polibutadienlerin Dimetildiazomalonatın Katalitik ve Fotokimyasal Bozunmasıyla
T. Mazlumoğlu, O.Anaç ve Y.Yağcı
VI. Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
18. Kararlı Vinil Katyonları : Sentezi ve Başlatıcı Olarak Katyonik Polimerizasyonda
Y.Yağcı, C. H. Fisher ve W. Schnabel
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
19. Tersiyer Amin Sonlu Polimer Sentezi ve Başlatıcı Olarak Katyonik
Polimerizasyonda Kullanımı
G. Hızal, U. Tunca ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
20. Çapraz Bağlı Poliester Üzerine Graft Polimerizasyonu
A. T. Erciyes, I. Tansug ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
21. Katyonik Peroksikarbamat Sentezi ve Seyreltik Çözelti Özellikleri
H. Yıldırım, E. Altan, B. M. Baysal ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
22. Taç Eter İçeren Polimer Eldesi Makroazonitrillerin Sentezi, Parçalanma,
Parçalanma Kinetiği ve Başlatıcı Özellikleri
Ü. Tunca ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
23. Lipoamidin Fotokimyasal Bozunması Laser Flaş Fotoliz ile İncelenmesi
M. H. Acar, Y.Yağcı, A. C. Aydoğan, T. Endo ve W. Schnabel
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
24. Bis(2-amino trifenoksi) eten Glioksal ile Metal İyonları Varlığında
N. Bıçak, G. Koza ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
25. Polisirenin Klorometillendirilmesi İçin Yeni Bir Yöntem
N. Bıçak, G. Koza ve Y.Yağcı
VI . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kuşadası (1989)
26. Onyum Tuzları : Fotokimyası ve Polimerik Sistemlerde Kullanımı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
27. Azo-benzoin Başlatıcılar ve Blok Kopolimer Sentezi
A. Önen ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
28. Azo Grubu İçeren Poliakrilamidin Redoks Yöntemiyle Sentezi
İ. E. Serhatlı, Ü. Tunca ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
29. Poliazoamid Başlatıcılar ve Blok Kopolimer Sentezi
S. Denizligil ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
30. Yeni Bir Metodla Yüksek Molekül Ağırlıklı Poliakrilamid Sentezi
M. Erim, A.T. Erciyes, İ.E. Serhatlı ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
31. Onyum Tuzlarının Yeni Bir Yöntemle Fotoresistte Negatif Kullanımı
A. Kuntman, A.Önen ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
32. Yeni Bir Redoks Sistemi ile PEG Esaslı Çok Bloklu Kopolimer Sentezi
İ. Çakmak, B. Hazer ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
33. Kurşun Tetraasetat Varlığında Fotokimyasal Olarak Stiren-Metilmetakrilat
Kopolimer Sentezi
A.Önen ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Kıbrıs (1991)
34. Polietilenglikol Segmentli Poliakrilamid Flokulantların Redoks Polimerizasyonu ile
A.T. Erciyes, M.Erim, B. Hazer ve Y.Yağcı
VII . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İstanbul (1992)
35. Aktiflenmiş Monomer ve Serbest Radikal Mekanizmalarıyla Blok Kopolimer
İ. E. Serhatlı ve Y.Yağcı
II . Türkiye-Azerbaycan Polimer Sempozyumu, Ankara (1992)
36. Blok Kopolimer Sentezinde Yeni Yöntemler
II . Türkiye-Azerbaycan Polimer Sempozyumu, Ankara (1992)
37. Yapısında Tioeter ve Sülfon Grubu İçeren Poliamid Sentezi ve Reaksiyonları
S. Denizligil, N. Bıçak ve Y.Yağcı
II . Türkiye-Azerbaycan Polimer Sempozyumu, Ankara (1992)
38. Zincir Transfer Polimerizasyonu ve İnifer Proses Yardımıyla Blok Kopolimer
P. Demircioğlu, M. H. Acar ve Y.Yağcı
II . Türkiye-Azerbaycan Polimer Sempozyumu, Ankara (1992)
39. Sikloheksendioksidin Yük Transfer Kompleksleri ile Başlatılmış Fotokimyasal
Katyonik Polimerizasyonu
G. Hızal, Y.Yağcı, W. Schnabel
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
40. Polisilanların Serbest Radikal Blok Kopolimerizasyonda Kullanımı
H. Hoştoygar, S. Denizligil ve Y.Yağcı
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
41. Azo-Açiloksim Ester Başlatıcıları ile Blok Kopolimer Sentezi
T. İmamoğlu, A. Önen ve Y Yağcı
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
42. Polimerik Piridinyum Tuzları ve Katyonik Fotobaşlatıcı Olarak Kullanımı
O. Karal, A. Önen ve Y.Yağcı
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
43. Polimerik Fotouyarıcılarla Başlatılmış Dolaylı Katyonik Polimerizasyon
A. Önen, Y.Yağcı
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
44. Fotoaktif Polisilan Sentezi
A.Önen, Y.Yağcı, V. Haraboğlu, M. Pinteala, C. Catzur, B. C. Simionescu
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
45. N-Açil dibenz[b.f.]azepin Uç Gruplu Poli(metil stiren) Sentezi
Y.Yağcı, M. H. Acar, A. Ledwith
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
46. Polisilanların Katyonik ve Serbest Radikal Mekanizmalarla Blok Kopolimer Sentezinde
D. Yücesan, Y.Yağcı
IX . Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Trabzon (1993)
47. Keten Yağı ile Modifiye Edilmiş Hintyağı Stirenlenmesi
O. S. Kabasakal, F. S. Güner, A. T. Erciyes, Y.Yağcı
X . Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Bursa (1994)
48.Katılma-Bölüşme Tepkimeleri: Katyonik Polimerizasyonda Yeni Bir Başlatıcı Sistem
Y.Yağcı (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
XI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Van (1997)
49.Bazı Bis-Maleimidlerin Fluoresans Emisyonları Üzerine İncelemeler
S.Durmaz, S.İçli, Y.Yagci
XI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Van (1997)
50.Yan Zincirde Tetrahidrofuran ve Metil Metakrilat Blok Kopolimerlerini İçeren Polimetil
Metakrilat Sentezi
Y.Hepuzer, I.E.Serhatlı, Y.Yagci
XII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Edirne (1998)
51.Atom Transfer Radikal Polimerizasyon Yöntemi ile Tiyofen Uç Grubu İçeren
Polimetakrilat Sentezi
Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
XII.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Edirne (1998)
52.Sıvı Kristal Blok ve Graft Kopolimer Sentezinde Yeni bir Yöntem
Y.Hepuzer, I.E.Serhatlı, Y.Yagci
XIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Edirne (1998)
53. Hintyağı Temelli Vinil Tipi Makromonomerleerin Sentezi ve Polimerizasyonu
M.Gültekin, F.S.Güner, O.S.Kabasakal, A.T.Erciyes, Y.Yagci
III.Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Erzurum (1998)
54. Iletken Polipirol-Politetrahidrofuran ve Polipirol/ Politetrahidrofuran-Polistiren Aşı
Kopolimerleri Sentez ve Karekterizasyonları
S. Öztemiz, L. Toppare , Y. Yagci
I.Elektrokimya Günleri, Bolu (1999)
55. İletken Polipirol/Polimetilmetakrilat Aşı Polimerleri Sentez ve Karekterizayonları
S. Alkan, L. Toppare, Y. Yagci
I.Elektrokimya Günleri, Bolu (1999)
56. Dönüşüm Reaksiyonları ile Blok Kopolimer Sentezleri
Y.Yagci (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Diyarbakır, (2000)
57. Görünür Bölge Radikal Başlatıcılarla Katyonik Polimerizasyon
M.Degirmenci, A.Onen, Y.Yagci
XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Diyarbakır, (2000)
58. Katılma-Bölünme Reaksiyon Mekanizmalarının Kuantum Mekanik Yöntemlerle
A.Tekin, M.Yurtsever, Y.Yagci
XIV. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Diyarbakır, (2000)
59. Ayçiçek ve Keten Yağı Temelli Yeni Makromonomerlerin Sentezlenmesi ve Uygulama
T.Akbaş, F.S.Güner, Ü.Beker, A.T.Erciyes, Y.Yagci
IV. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Istanbul (2000)
60. 3-Tiyofen Asetik Asitin Kolesteril Esterinin Polimerleştirilmesi ve Pirol ile Oluşturulan
İletken Kopolimerlerinin Sentezi ve Karekterizasyonu
A.Çırpan, S.Alkan, L.Toppare, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
XV.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul, (2001)
61. Atom Transfer Radikal Polimerizasyon (ATRP) ile Fotoaktif Polistiren Sentezi
M.Degirmenci, I. Cianga, Y.Yagci
XV.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul (2001)
62. 3-Tiyofen Asetik Asitin Mentil Esteri ve Pirolle Oluşturulan İletken Polimerlerin Sentezi
ve Karakterizasyonu
S.Kıralp, S.Alkan, L.Toppare, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
XV.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul (2001)
63. Yan Zincirde Kontrollü Polimerik Segmentler İçeren Polifenilen Sentezi ve
Karakterizasyonu (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y.Yagci, I.Cianga, Y.Hepuzer
XV.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul (2001)
64. Polisiloksan-Polipirol Aşı Kopolimerlerinin Sentezi (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
L.Toppare, O.Gunaydin, Y.Yagci, V.Harabagiu
XV.Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Istanbul (2001)
65. Fotokimyasal Polimerizasyon: Başlatıcı Sistemler, Mekanizma ve Uygulamaları (Çağrılı
1.Ege Fizikokimya Günleri, İzmir (2002)
66. Fotokimyasal Polimerizasyonda Son Gelişmeler ve Gelecekteki Yaklaşımlar (Çağrılı
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
67. BF4 Katkılı Polipirol/Poli-(S)-2-Metilbutil-2-(3-Tienil-Asetat) Blok Kopolimerlerinin
Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
A.Levent, J.Hacaloğlu, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
68. Açilfosfin Oksit Türü Fotobaşlatıcıların Katyonik Polimerizasyonda Kullanımı: Fosfonil
Radikalinin Oksidasyon Etkinliği
C.Dursun, M.Değirmenci, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
69. Piren Fotokromoforik Grup İçeren Azo-başlatıcının Sentezi, Karekterizasyonu ve Radikal
Polimerizasyonda Kullanılması
U.Güvener, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
70. Fenaçil Anilinyum Tuzlarının Kullanılmasıyla Doğrudan ve Uyarılmış Olarak Başlatılan
Katyonik Polimerizasyon
F.Kasapoğlu, A.Önen, N.Bıçak, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
71. Kontrollü Serbest Radikal Polimerizasyon ve Katyonik Polimerizasyona Yükseltgenme
Yöntemleriyle Blok Kopolimer Sentezlenmesi
M.A. Taşdelen, M.Değirmenci, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
72. Yeni Kontrollü Serbest Radikal Polimerizasyon Yöntemleriyle Vinil Monomerlerinin
Blok Kopolimer Kopolimer Sentezlenmesi
F.Yilmaz, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci, A.Çırpan, L.Toppare
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
73. Ana Zincir ve Ucunda Fotoaktif Grup İçeren Polikaprolakton Makrofotobaşlatıcıların
Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
M.Değirmenci, G.Hızal, Y.Yagci
XVI. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2002
74. Baskı Teknolojisi ve Fotopolimerizasyon (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yagci
1. Uluslararası Katılımlı Kağıt-Karton, Mürekkep, Matbaa Sempozyumu, İzmir, 2002
75. Polifenol Oksidaz Enziminin İletken Kopolimerlerde Tutuklanması ile Elde Edilen
Elektrodların Şaraptaki Fenolik Yapıların Tayininde Kullanımı
S.Kıralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
76. Poli(etilen oksid) Makronomerleri: Sentez, Karakterizasyon ve Kompleks Polimerik
Yapılarda Kullanımı (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y.Yagci, K.Ito
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
77. Tienil ve Bifenil Gruplu Poliakrilatın Pirol ve Tiofen ile İletken Aşı Kopolimerleri
P.Çamurlu, L.Toppare, F.Yılmaz, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
78. Poli(ε-Kaprolakton) Makromonomerlerinin Sentezi, Karekterizasyonu ve Fotobaşlatılmış
Homo ve Kopolimerizasyonda Kullanımı
Ö.İzgin, M.Değirmenci, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
79. Metilmetakrilat ve Stirenin Radikal Polimerizasyonunda 2-Merkaptotiyokzanton’un Zincir
Transfer Ajanı Olarak Kullanımı
F.Karasu, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
80. Fenaçil Tuzlarının Kullanılmasıyla Başlatılan Metil Metakrilat Fotopolimerizasyonu
F.Kasapoğlu, M.Aydın, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
81. Atom Transfer Radikal polimerizasyonu ile Sentezlenen Fonkisyonel Polimerlerin Radikal
ve Katyonik Fotopolimerizasyonuyla Blok Kopolimer Hazırlanması
A.E.Müftüoğlu, I.Cianga, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
82. Yüksek Nükleofilli Karşı İyona Sahip Fotobaşlatıcılarla Katyonik Polimerizasyon
M.A.Taşdelen, W.Schnabel, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
83. 3-Tiyofen Polietilenoksitin Tiyofen ve Pirolle Oluşturduğu Kopolimerlerin Sentez ve
H.B.Yıldız, S.Kıralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yağcı, T.Senyo, K.Ito
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
84. Tiofen Sübstitüe N-Fenil Maleimid Polimerlerinin Fotopolimerizasyon Yöntemiyle
Sentezlenmesi ve Elektropolimerizasyonda Kullanılması
F.Yılmaz, L.Cianga, Y.Guner, L.Toppare, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
85. α, ω-Heterofonksiyonel Poli(etilen oksit) Makromonomerlerinin Sentezi ve
F.Yılmaz, I.Cianga, K.Ito, T.Senyo, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
86. Monotiokarbonatların Fotobaşlatıcılar Olarak Kontrollü Katyonik Halka Açılması
N.Yönet, C.Dursun, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
87. Atom Transfer Radikal Polimerizasyon ve Birleşme Yöntemleriyle α,ω-Fonksiyonlu
Telekeliklerin Sentezi ve Karekterizasonu
S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, Y.Yağcı
XVII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2003
88. Korona İşlemi Yapılmış Yüzeylerde Fotokimyasal Polimerizasyon
Y.Yağcı, N.Arsu
III.Uluslarası Ambalaj Kongresi, İzmir, 2003
89. Kontrollü Polimerizasyon Yöntemleriyle Siklohekzenokid Türü Makromonomerlerin
Sentezi ve Fotokimyasal Polimerizasyonda Kullanımı
O.İzgin, I.Cianga, D.Göen, Y.Yagcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
90. Fotobaşlatıcı Olarak 5-Tiya-Pentaasen-14-On Sentezi ve Fotopolimerizasyondaki
Etkinliginin İncelenmesi
D.Karaca Balta, N.Öcal, N.Arsu, Y.Yagcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
91. Metil Metakrilatın Amin Fonksiyonlu Dentrimer Varlığında Fotopolimerizasyonu
M.A.Taşdelen, Y.Yağcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
92. Tiofen Substitue N-Fenil Maleimid ve Stiren Monomerleri İçeren Alternatif
Kopolimerlerin Fotopolimerizasyon Yöntemiyle Sentezlenmesi ve
Elektropolimerizasyonda Kullanımı
F.Yılmaz, L.Cianga, Y.Güner, L.Toppare, Y.Yağcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
93. Elektroaktif ve Sıvı Kristal Monomerleri İçeren Blok ve Rastgele Kopolimerlerin
Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
F.Yılmaz, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yağcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
94. N, N-Dimetil Amino Fonksiyonlu Polistiren Blok Kopolimerlerine Fotopolimerizasyon
Yöntemiyle Metil Metkarilat Aşılanarak Çapraz Bağlı Kopolimer ve Blok-Graft
Kopolimer Hazırlanması
A.E.Müftüoğlu, Y.Yağcı, K.Se
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
95. Tiyoksanton-Tiyoasetik Asit’in Dekaboksilasyon Mekanizmasının ve Fotokimyasal
Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
M.Aydın, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı, S.Jockusch, N.Turro
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
96. Siklohekzenoksit’in 5-Tiya-Naftasen Beraberindeki Katyonik Polimerizasyonunun
D.Karaca Balta, A.Tasdelen, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
97. Tiyoksanton-Tiyoasetik Asit ve Tiyozanton-Fenoksiasetik Asit’in Çeşitli
Formülasyonlardaki Fotobaşlatma Etkinliğinin RT-IR Yöntemi İle Saptanması
F.Karasu, M.Aydın, M.A.Kaya, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
98. o-Metillenmiş b-Siklodekstrin’in Katyonik Fotopolimerizasyonu
B.Gacal, Y.Yağcı, I.Cianga, M.Suzuki
XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kars, 2004
99. Bilimsel Araştırma ve Teknolojide Avrupa Biriliği Anlayışı ve Türkiye
Homboldt-Kolleg Istanbul, Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği Vizyonu ve Türk Alman İlşikilerine Yansıması,
Istanbul, 2004
100. Fenil Maleimid Esaslı Makromoleküler Tasarimlar (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
101. Benzoxazine Grupları İçeren Maleimid Polimerlerinin Fotopolimerizasyon Yöntemiyle Sentezlenmesi ve
B.Gacal, Y.Yağcı, L.Cianga, T.Takeichi
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
102. Atom Transfer Radikal Polimerizasyonu ya da Halka-Açılma Polimerizasyonu ile Fotokimyasal Radikal
Polimerizasyon Yöntemlerinin Birlikte Kullanılmasıyla A2B ve A2B2 Tipli Farklı Kollu Kopolimer Sentezi
A.E.Müftüoğlu, I.Cianga, Y.Yağcı
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
103. Synthesis and Characterization of α-ω-Telechelic Polymers by the Combination of Reversible Atom
Transfer Radical Polymerization and Atom Transfer Radical Coupling
B.Aydoğan, Y.Yağcı
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
104. ATRP, ROP ve Kenetleme Reaksiyonları ile Fonksiyonel Makromoleküller Sentezi
D.Çolak, I.Cianga, A.E.Müftüoğlu, Y.Yağcı
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
105. The Use of Poly(ethylene Oxide) as Hydrogen Donor in Type II Photoinitiation of Free Radical
M.A.Tasdelen, E.Kahveci, S.Keskin, N.Arsu, Y.Yağcı
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
106. Tiyofenin Iyodonyum Tuzu ile Fotopolimerizasyonu
F.Yılmaz, Y.Yağcı, S.Kıralp, L.Toppare
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
107. New Polyphenylene-g-Polystyrene and Polyphenylene-g-Polystyrene/Polycaprolactone Copolymers by
Combined Controlled Polymerization and Crosscoupling Process
S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, A.L.Demirel, Y.Yağcı
XIX. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kuşadası, 2005
108. Kontrollü/Yaşayan Serbest Radikal Polimerizasyonu ile Stirenlenmiş Yağ Üretimi
N. Alemdar, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yağcı
VI. Uluslararası Boya, Vernik, Mürekkep veYardımcı Maddeler Sanayi Kongresi,
İstanbul, 2006
109. Yağ Komponentli Makromer ve Yarı İletken Polimer Sentezi
O. Eksik, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yağcı
VII. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Eskişehir, 2006
110. Polimer/Kil ve Metal Nanokompozitlerin Hazırlanmasında Yeni Yöntemler (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
M. Atilla Taşdelen, Alper Neşe, Nihan Nugay, O. Eksik, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yağcı
I. Polimerik Nanokompozitler Sempozyum ve Sergisi, İzmir, 2006
111. Photoinitiated Free Radical Polymerization Using Benzoxazines as Hydrogen Donors
M. A. Tasdelen, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci,
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
112. Anthracene-Maleimide Based Diels-Alder “Click Chemistry” as a Novel Route to Graft Copolymers
B. Gacal, H. Durmaz, M. A. Tasdelen, G. Hizal, U. Tunca, Y. Yagci, A.L. Demirel,
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
113. Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Phenylene Vinylene)s with Poly(e-Caprolactone) Side Chains
D. G. Çolak, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
114. Studies on the Preparation of Telechelic Polymers by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization And Cross
Coupling Processes
Y. Y. Durmaz, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci,
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
115. Preparation of Conductive Polybenzoxazines by Oxidative Polymerization
B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci, E. Sahmetlioglu, L. Toppare
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
116. Biyouyumlu Phema/Peo Hydrojellerden Tesetesteron Hormonunun Kontrollü Salımı
M. Y. Arica, G. Bayramoglu, K. Ito, Y. Yagci
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Kayseri, (2006)
117. Fotobaşlatıcı Sistemler: Yeni Gelişmeler ve İleri Teknoloji Uygulamaları (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
118. Click Kimyası İle Benzoksazin Fonksiyonlu Polimerlerin Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu
M. Ergin, B.Kışkan, B. Gacal, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
119. Yan zincirde N-alkoksi piridinyum iyonu taşıyan polimerlerin fotolizi ile aşı kopolimerlerinin sentezlenmesi
ve modifikasyonu
Y. Yüksel Durmaz, G. Yılmaz, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
120. Polivinil Alkol’ün Modifikasyonunda Yeni ve Etkin Bir Metot; “Click” Kimyası
B. Gacal, B. Gacal, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
121. Silsesqioksanların fonksiyonlandırılmasında yeni ve etkin bir method: “clıck” kimyası
B. Gacal, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
122. Poli (ε-kaprolakton) veya Polistiren Yan Zincirli Poli(fenilen vinilen) Sentezi
ve Karakterizasyonu
D. G. Çolak, I. Cianga, Y. Yağcı, A. Çırpan, F. E. Karasz
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
123. N-Alkoksi Piridinyum Iyon Sonlu Polimerlerin Fotolizi ile Blok Kopolimer Sentezi
G. Yılmaz,Y. Yüksel Durmaz, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
124. Bölünme ve Elektron Transfer Reaksiyonlarının Birleştirilmesi ile Oluşturulan Yeni Bir Serbest Radikal
Fotobaşlatıcı Sistemi
B. Aydoğan, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
125. Fotopolimerizasyonda Yeni Başlatıcı Sistemleri
M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
126. Fotokimyasal Olarak Üretilen Serbest Radikaller ile İzobütil Vinil Eterin Yaşayan Katyonik
M.U. Kahveci, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yağcı
21. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Malatya, 2007
127. Keten Yağının Kontrollü/Yaşayan Serbest Radikal Polimerizasyonu ile TEMPO Varlığında Stirenlenmesi
N. Alemdar, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yağcı
8. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Malatya, 2008
128. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Nanocomposites by Photochemical Methods (Çağrılı Konuşma)
NanoTR IV Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 2008
129. Kimya Araştırmaları, Teknolojiye Aktarımı ve Önceliklerimiz (Çağrılı Konuşma)
Fen ve Teknoloji-Fizik, Kimya,Tubitak Biyoloji- Bilim Danışmanlığı Çalıştayı, Çanakkale, 2008
130. Polimer-Kil ve Metal Nanokompozitlerin Hazırlanmasında Yeni Yöntemler
M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
II. Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknoloji Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 2008
131. Polytetrahydrofuran/Clay Nanocomposites by In Situ Polymerization and “Click” Chemistry Processes
M. A. Tasdelen, W. Van Camp, E. Goethals, P. Dubois, F. Du Prez, Y. Yagci
NanoTR IV Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 2008
132. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites by Intercalated Chain Transfer
H. Akat, M. A. Tasdelen, F. Du Prez, Y. Yagci,
NanoTR IV Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 2008
133. Polytetrahydrofuran/Clay Nanocomposites by In Situ Polymerization and “Click” Chemistry Processes
M. A. Tasdelen, W. Van Camp, E. Goethals, P. Dubois, F. Du Prez, Y. Yagci
NanoTR IV Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 2008
134. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites by Intercalated Chain Transfer
H. Akat, M. A. Tasdelen, F. Du Prez, Y. Yagci,
NanoTR IV Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, İstanbul, 2008
135. Benzoksazin Esaslı Yüksek Performanslı Termoset Polimerleri (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
B. Kışkan, B. Gacal, M. A. Taşdelen, D. G. Çolak, M. Ergin, S. M. Kukut, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
136. Isısal Olarak Çapraz Bağlanabilen Yan Zincirde Benzoksazin Fonksiyonlu Poli(e-kaprolakton)
B. Koz, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
137. Elektro veya Termoaktif Poliasetilen Sentezi ve Karekterizasyonu
B. Köz, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
138. Konjugasyonu Arttırılmış Tiyofen Türevleri Varlığında Görünür Bölgede Fotokimyasal Polimerizasyon
B. Aydoğan, A. Durmuş, G. E. Günbaş, L. Toppare, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
139. Kontrollü Polimerizasyon ve Suzuki Kenetlenme Reaksiyonları ile Özellikleri Hedeflenmiş Polifenilen Aşı
E. L. Şahkulubey, Y. Y. Durmaz, D. G. Çolak, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
140. Fotokenetlenme Yöntemiyle A-B Blok Kopolimer, A2B ve AB2 Tipi Yıldız Kopolimerlerin Sentezi ve
G. Temel, B. Aydoğan, N. Arsu, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
141. Click Kimyası ile Isısal Sertleşebilen Polibutadienler
M. Kukut, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
142. Polimer-Kil Nanokompozitlerin Hazırlanmasında Yeni Yöntemler
M. A. Taşdelen, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
143. Photo-induced Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Ethers by Using a Nocel Photoinitiating System
M. A. Taşdelen, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
144. Photo-induced Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Ethers by Using a Novel Photoinitiating System
M. A. Taşdelen, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
145. Katyonik Fotobaşlatıcı Olarak Dietoksi-azobispridinyum Tuzu: Cis-Trans İsomerizasyonu ile Dalgaboyu
Y.Y. Durmaz, Ö. Zaim, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
146. Benzodioksinonlarla Fotokimyasal Olarak Oligoester Sentezi
İ. V. Kumbaracı, N. Talınlı, Y. Yağcı
22. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Mağusa, K.K.T.C., 2008
147. Bakır Metal Katilazatörler Varlığında Makromoleküler Yapıların Sentezi (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Organometalik Kimya ve Kataliz Çalıştayı, Malatya 2010
148. Karmaşık, Nano ve Biyoaktif Makromoleküllerin Eldesi (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
149. Zincirde Benzoksazin İçeren Poliesterlerin Sentez ve
A. Tüzün, B.Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
150. Tiyofen ve Pirol Fonksiyonlu Polistiren Sentezi ve Karekterizasyonu
B. Kışkan, B. Gacal, M. Asan, E. C. Günaydın, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
151. Tek Bileşenli Polimerik Fotobaşlatıcı Sentezinde Etkin Bir Yöntem: Eşzamanlı Çift “Click” Reaksiyonu
B. Aydoğan, G. Temel, N. Arsu, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak,2010
152. Met (akrilat) Fonksiyonlu Polisüfonların Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Işık ile Kürleşmesi
C. Dizman, Ş. Ateş, L. Torun, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
153. Termal Olarak Kürlenebilen Benzoksazin Filmlerinin Fotokimyasal Sentezi
D. Tunç, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
154. Blok ve Aşı Kopolimerlerin Fotokimyasal Olarak Görünür Bölgede Sentezlenmesi
G. Açık, M. Ü. Kahveci, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
155. Tiyol-en Klik Kimyası Kullanılarak Çok Duvarlı Karbon Nanotüplerin Modifikasyonu
G. Temel , M. Uygun , N. Arsu ,Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
156. Lineer ve Çapraz Bağlı Polimerlere Triptisin Ünitesinin Bağlanması İçin Yeni Yöntemler
L. Torun, Ş. Ateş, B. Aydoğan, Y. Yüksel Durmaz ,Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
157. : Fotopolimerizasyon Yöntemi ile Kriyojellerin ve Fonksiyonel Hidrojellerin Elde Edilmesi
M. Ü. Kahveci, Z. Beyazkılıç, E. L. Şahkulubey, M. Uygun, D. Odacı, S. Timur, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
158. Konjuge Tiyofen Türevleri Kullanılarak Uzun Dalgaboyunda Fotobaşlatılmış Serbest Radikal
S. Beyazıt, B. Aydoğan, A. Ş. Gündoğan, T. Öztürk, Y. Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
159. Benzoksazin fonksiyonlu Polisülfonlar
Ş.Ateş, C. Dızman, L. Torun, Y.Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
160. Tiyol-en Reaksiyonları İle Isısal Olarak Kürleşebilen Ağ Yapılı Polimer Sentezi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Z. Beyazkılıç, M. Ü. Kahveci, B. Aydoğan, B. Kışkan, Y.Yağcı
24. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, 2010
161. Vinil Halojenür Türü Fotobaşlatıcıların Metalik Çinko Varlığında Fotolizi ile Başlatılan Yaşayan Katyonik
M. U Kahveci, Y. Yağcı
25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
162. Anti-IgG içeren PEG Hidrojellerinin Fotopolimerizasyon ve “Click” Tepkimeleri ile Sentezi
M. Çiftçi, M. Ü. Kahveci, S. Timur, Y. Yağcı
25. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Erzurum, 2011
163. Fotokimyasal yolla karmaşık makromoleküler yapıların sentezi (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
164. Işıkla Gerçekleşen Atom Transfer Radikal Polimerizasyonu,
M.A. Taşdelen, M. Çiftci, M. Uygun, Y. Yağcı
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
165. Click Kimyasına Uygun Alkin Fonksiyonlu Dallanmış Polimerlerin Fotopolimerizasyon Yöntemiyle
M. Çiftçi, M. U. Kahveci, Y.Yağcı, X. Allonas, C.Ley, H.Tar
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
166. Vinil Halojenür Türü Fotobaşlatıcıların Çözünür Çinko Tuzları Varlığında Fotolizi ile Başlatılan Vinil
Eterlerin Katyonik Polimerizasyonu,
F. Oytun, M. U. Kahveci, Y.Yağcı
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
167. Polistiren/Kil Nanokompozitlerin Sentezinde Yeni Bir Yöntem: Nitroksit Radikal Kenetlenme Reaksiyonu,
M. Aydın, M.A. Tasdelen, S. Jockush, N. J. Turro, Y. Yağcı
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
168. Yeni Bir Makroazo-Başlatıcı Kullanarak Polisülfon-b-Polistiren Kopolimerlerinin Sentezi,
C. Dizman, M. U. Kahveci, Y.Yağcı
4. Ulusal Polimer Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2012
169. Çıt Çıt (Click) Kimyası ile Makromolekül Sentezleri (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
3. Ulusal Kimya Öğrenci Kongresi, Didim, 2012
170. Biyo Uygulamalarda Makromoleküler Tasarım (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
26. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Bahattin Baysal Özel Oturumu, Muğla, 2012
171. Nano Yapılar İçeren Makromolküller (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
Ege Nanoteknoloji Günleri, İzmir, 2013
172. Nano Yapılar ve Polimerler (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
Y. Yağcı
Boğaziçi, Öğrenci Kimya Kongresi, İstanbul, 2013
173. Fotokimyasal Yollarla Makromoleküler Yapıların Eldesi (Çağrılı Tebliğ)
5. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2015
174. Poliolefin Aşı Kopolimerlerinin Işık Yardımıyla Sentezi
M. Çİftçi, P.Batat, A.L.Demirel, G. Xu, M. Buchmeiser, Y. Yağcı
5. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2015
175. Benzoxazine Esaslı Kendi Kendine İyileşebilen Termosetler
M. Arslan, B.Kışkan, Y.Yağcı
5. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, Konya, 2015
176. ZnO Yarı-iletken Nanopartikülleri Kullanılarak Fotokataliz Sistemi ile Azid-alkin “Çıt-çıt” Reaksiyonu
Ö.Yetişkin, S. Dadshi-Silap, S. B. Khan, A.M. Asiri, Y.Yağcı
27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2015
177. Polisülfonların Modifikasyonundaki Son Gelişmeler
M.A. Taşdelen, C. Dizman, Y. Yağcı
27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2015
178. Fotobaşlatıcı Olarak EtilKarbazol Fenaçil Tuzu: Sentezi ve Karekterizasonu
M. Kara, S. Dadashi-Silab, Y. Yağcı
27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2015
179. Dinamik Kovalent Boronik Ester Bağları ile Kendi Kendini Onarabilen Poliberzoksazinlerin Hazırlanması"
S. Gülyüz, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı
33. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 2021
180. Tek potada imin içeren polibenzoksazin sentezi ve karakterizasyonu
A.Akbay, B. Kışkan, Y. Yağcı 33. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 2021
Presentations in International Conferences
Invited, Main and Plenary Lectures
1. Light Induced Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, W. Schnabel
8. IUPAC Symposium on Cationic Polymerization and Related Process, Munich,
Germany (1987)
2. Laser Flash Photolysis Studies on Iodonium and Sulfonium Salts
M .Tilley, B . Pappas, S . Pappas, Y. Yagci, W. Schnabel, J. K. Thomas
SPSE Symposium on Photochemistry for Imaging, White Bear Lake, MN, USA
3. Mechanistic Studies Concerning Free Radical Polymerization
W. Schnabel , T. Sumiyoshi, T.Majima, Y. Yagci.
Annual Meeting of the Japanase Photochemical Society , Miyazaki (Kyushu),
Japan (1989)
4. New Aspects on the Photoinitiated Free Radical Promoted Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, W. Schnabel
IUPAC International Symposium on Cationic Polymerization and Related Processes, Balatonfured, Hungary (1991)
5. Direct and Sensitized Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization Using Pyridinium Salts
Y. Yagci, W. Schnabel
IUPAC International Symposium on Cationic Polymerization and Related Ionic Process, Borovets, Bulgaria (1993)
6. Novel Polymeric Photoinitiators and Their Use in Block Copolymerization
Y. Yagci, A. Onen, W. Schnabel, S. Denizligil, G. Hizal, U. Tunca
International Symposium on Aspects of Photoinitiation, Engham, England (1993)
7. New Methods for Block Copolymer Synthesis
Y. Yagci
Polymex, International Symposium on Polymers, Cancun, Mexico (1993)
8. Macrophotoinitiators: Synthesis and Their Use in Block Copolymerization
Y. Yagci
International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA (1995)
9. Allyl Sulphonium Salts as Initiators for Cationic Polymerization: A New Initiation Mechanism for Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, S. Denizligil
International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Orlando, Florida, April (1997)
10. Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers
Y.Yagci, E.Serhatli
Workshop on Polymeric Materials with Unusual Optical and Electrical Properties (Cost 518 Action), Ankara, May (1997)
11. Addition-Fragmentation Type Initiators for Cationic Polymerization
Y.Yagci, I.Reetz
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Paris, France, July 1997
12. Initiation of Cationic Polymerization by Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes
IUPAC International Symposium on Electron Transfer Processes and Reactive Intermediates, Cracow, Poland, September 1997.
13. Application of Addition Fragmentation Reactions in Cationic Polymerization: Allylic Onium Salt
Y. Yagci
Polymex 97, International Symposium on Polymers, Guerrero, Mexico, November 1997.
14. Addition Fragmentation Reactions for Cationic Curing
Y. Yagci
Radcure Coatings and Inks: Curing & Performance, PRA International Conference, Harrogate, England, June 1998.
15. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci
NATO ASI on Cationic Polymerization and Related Processes, London, Canada, August 1998
16. Photoinitiating Systems and Their Use in Polymer Synthesis
Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Advances in Polymerization Methods: Controlled Synthesis of Functionalized Polymers, Prague, Czech Republic, July 1999
Synthesis of Conducting Block Copolymers Containing Polyether Segments
Y. Yagci, L. Toppare
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Kyoto, Japan, July 1999
17. Synthesis of Block and Graft Copolymers and Segmented Interpenetrating Networks Containing Liquid Crystalline Segments
Y. Yagci, G. Galli
3. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Colonial Williamsburg, USA, Agust (1999)
18. Structure and Reactivity of Addition Fragmentation Agents in Photochemically and Thermally Induced Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, I. Reetz, A. Onen
38. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Poland 2000
19. Addition-Fragmentation Reactions in Photoinduced Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, A. Onen
XX. International Conference on Photochemistry, Moscow, 2001
20. One-step, One-pot Photoinitiation of Free Radical and Free Radical Propmoted Cationic Polymerization
M. Degirmenci, Y. Hepuzer, Y. Yagci
4. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Gatlinburg, USA, Agust (2001)
21. Initiation of Cationic Polymerization by Addition-Fragmentation Reactions
4. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Gatlinburg, USA, Agust (2001)
22. Addition-Fragmentation Agents with Radical Generating Sites as Photoinitiators for Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci, A .Onen
222nd National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Chicago, USA, 2001.
23. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymeric Photoinitiators Prepared by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Ring-Opening Polymerization
Y. Yagci, M. Degirmenci, I. Cianga, G. Hizal
224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, USA, 2002.
24. Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Block and Graft Copolymers
Y. Yagci, L.Toppare
International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry for the Design of New Materials, Belgium, Ghent, 2002
25. Wavelength Flexibilty in Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Boston, June 2003
26. Macromolecular Architectures Based on Polypheylenes
Y. Yagci, I. Cianga, S. Yurteri
5. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June (2003)
27. Heterobifunctional Poly(ethylene oxide) Macromonomers
K.Ito, J. Du, T. Senyo, Y. Murakami, Y. Yagci
International Conference on Modified Polymers, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic, October (2003)
28. Conducting Block and Graft Copolymers as Intermediates for Enzym Immobization and Biosensor Applications
Y.Yagci, L.Toppare
International Symposium on Biosensors, Ankara, Turkey, June 2004
29. Macromolecular Architecture Based on Anionically Prepared Poly(ethylene oxide) Macromonomers
Y.Yagci, K.Ito
IUPAC, World Polymer Congress, Paris, France, July, 2004
30. Unconventional Uses of Methacrylates
International Conference on Functional Acrylates, Istanbul, September, 2004
31. Macromolecular Architecture Based on Polyphenylenes: Synthesis, Characterization and High-Tech Applications
Y.Yagci, S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, L.Demirel
2nd International Symposium on Egean Physical Chemistry Days, Balikesir, October 2004.
32. Macromolecular Architecture by Using Controlled Polymerization Methods and Photoinitiating Systems
Turkish Greek German Symposium on Polymers in Materials Science and Biology, Istanbul, October, 2004
33. New Approaches in Type II Photoinitiation of Free Radical Polymerization
Photopolymerization Fundamentals, Brekenridge, USA, 2005
34. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of Unconventional Monomers
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Goa, India, October 2005
35. Macromolecular Architecture Based on Transformation in Controlled Polymerization Methods
Pasific Polymer Conference IX, Am.Chem.Soc., Maui, Hawai, December 2005
36. Hybrid Polymer Nano Composites, Coatings and Thin Films, and Their Potential Application as Dental Materials
Molecular Biomimectics & Bionanotechnology II, Istanbul, Turkey, (2007)
37. Photochemical Methods for the Synthesis of Polycondensates and Addition-Polymers
European Polymer Congress 2007, Portoroz, Slovenia
38. Complex Structured Conjugated Polymers with Polymeric Side Chains by
Combination of Controlled Polymerization and Coupling Processes
D. G. Colak, S. Yurteri, I. Cianga, B. Kıskan, Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Kloster Banz, Germany, 2007
39. Structural Modifications of Polybenzoxazines as High Performance Themoset Resins
B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
The Baekeland 2007 Symposium- Thermosets, 100 years after Bakelite, Ghent, Belgium, 2007
40. New Polymeric Systems as Packaging Materials
Y.Yagci V.
International Symposium on Packaging Technologies, Izmir, Turkey (2007)
41. Chemical Methodologies for the Incorporation of Synthetic Polymers into Benzoxazine Based Thermosets
B. Kiskan Y. Yagci
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Maiami, USA, (2007)
42. Thermally and Photochemically Active Polymers by Click Chemistry
B. Gacal, H. Akat, B. Kiskan, M. Ergin, D. Balta, N. Aksu, Y.Yagci
235th American Chemical Society, National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2008
43. Light Induced Reactions and their Applications for the Preparation of Complex Macromolecular Structures
Y. Yagci
57. Annual Meeting of Society of Polymer Science of Japan, Yokohoma, Japan (2008)
44. Polymeric Benzoxazines as Precursors for High Performance Thermosets
B. Kiskan, M. Ergin, S. M. Kukut, B. Gacal, Y. Yagci
42nd IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Tapei, Taiwan, 2008
45. Use of Atom Transfer Radical Coupling Reactions for the Synthesis of Various
Macromolecular Structures
Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Aydogan, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci
236th American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Philedelphia, USA, 2008
46. Light Induced Processes for the Synthesis of Polymers with Complex Macromolecular Architecture
New Polymers with Optoelectronic Properties with Combination of ATRP, ROP and Coupling Processes, 2008
47. In Situ Synthesis of Nanocomposites by Photochemical Methods
Y.Yagci, M.Sangermano
Eurepean Polymer Congress, Graz, Austria (2009)
48. New Photoinitiating Systems for Cationic Polymerization Acting at Near UV and Visible Range
B.Aydogan, Y.Y.Durmaz, M.U.Kahveci, M.Uygun, M.A.Tasdelen, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Krakow, Poland (2009)
49. New Intitating systems for Photoinduced Radical, Cationic and Step-Growth Polymerization
Y.Yagci RadTech International Symposium on Fundementals of Photopolymerization, Brekendrige, USA (2009)
50. New Photoinitiating Systems Designed for Polymer/Inorganic Hybrid Nanocoatings
Y. Yagci
CoatingsTech Conference, Indianapolis, USA, (2009)
51. Inorganic/polymer Nanocomposites by Photochemical and Controlled Polymerization Processes
Y. Yagci 8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Dresden, Germany, (2009)
52. Polymeric Benzxoazines Precursors for Thermally Curable Thermosets
Y.Yagci, B.Kiskan
239 ACS National Meeting, First International Symposium on Thermosets, San Francisco, USA (2010)
53. Synthetic Strategies to Combine High Performance Benzoxazine Thermosets with Polymers
B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci IUPAC, PolyChar, World Forum on Advanced Polymeric Materials Synthesis, Properties, Characterization, Siegen, Germany, (2010)
54. Photochemical Methods for the Preparation of Nano and Complex Macromolecular Structures
74. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules: Contempary Ways to Tailor-made Polymers, Modern Methods of Polymer Synthesis, Czech Rebulic, Prague, 2010
55. Click Chemistry: A Versatile Route to Electro, Photo, Bio and Thermally Functional Polymers
Y. Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
56. Photoinitiating Systems Potentially Useful for Adhesive Technologies
Y. Yagci
FEICA European Adhesive & Sealants Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2010
57. New Photochemical Methods for Coatings
International Symposium on Smart Coatings 2011, Florida, USA, 2011
58. Modification of Nanoclays Using Different Polymerization Methods and Click Chemistry
Y. Yagci, M. A. Tasdelen
Nanotough, EU Dissemination Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011
59. Complex Macromolecular Structures by Photoinduced “Click and Polymerization Processes
Y. Yagci
International Conference on the Odra River, POLYOR2011, Opole, Poland, 2011
60. New Developments in Photoinitiation of Free Radical and Cationic Polymerizations
Y.Y agci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Akron, USA, 2011
61. Possibilites for Photoinduced Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization
M.A. Tasdelen, M. Uygun, Y. Yagci
242nd ACS National Meeting, International Symposium on Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization, Denver, USA (2011)
62. Polycondensates with Thermally Curable Benzoxazine Groups
B. Kiskan, K. D. Demir, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2011, International Symposium on Network Polymers, Toyohashi, Japan, 2011
63. Gels by Photochemical and Click Chemistry Methods
Y. Yagci
Workshop on Recent Advances in Synthetic and Biological Gels, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
64. Macromolecular Design for the Preparation of Polybenzoxazine Based High Performance Thermosets
B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Lodz, Poland, 2011
65. Light Induced Polymerizations. Versatile Route to Complex Macromolecular Structures
Y. Yagci
2nd Polymers Conference of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011
66. Modification of High Performance Polybenzoxazine Thermosets,
Y. Yagci, K. D. Demir, B. Aydogan, S. Ates, C. Altinkok, M.A. Tasdelen, B. Kiskan,
The 12th Pacific Polymer Conference, Jeju, South Korea, 2011.
67. Light induced reactions for the synthesis of complex macromolecular structures
Y. Yagci
International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials, Ahmedabad, India, 2012.
68. Light İnduced Reactions. Versatile Route to Macromolecular Synthesis
Y. Yagci
Polymers 2012, XVII National Symposium of Bulgaria with International Participation, Ribaritza, Bulgaria, 2012
69. New modification methods for high performance polybenzoxazine thermosets
B. Kiskan, K. D. Dogan, B. Aydogan, M. U. Kahveci, Z. Beyazkilic, M. Imran, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 2012
70. Photo, Electro, Bio and Thermally Functional Polymers by Click Chemistry (Key Note)
Y. Yagci
4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012
71. New Synthetic Methodologies for the Preparation of Polybenzoxazine Resins
B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci,
European Polymer Congress, Pisa, Italy, 2013
72. Photochemical Methods for the Preparation of Thermosets. New Initiating Systems for Acrylate and Epoxy Formulations
Y. Yagci
Baekeland. 4th International Symposium on Thermosets, Niagara Fall, Canada, 2013.
73. Photochemical Routes to Macromolecular Syntheses
Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Photopolymerization, Changzou, China, 2013.
74. Unconventional Benzoxazine Chemistries for the Preparation of Advanced Materials Based on Polybenzoxazines,
Y. Yagci, B. Kiskan, S. Bektas, A, Musa,
IUPAC 10th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Durham, England 2013
75. New Approaches for the Preparation of Polymer Nanocomposites
Y. Yagci,
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
76. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions for Macromolecular Syntheses through
Cationic Polymerization, ATRP, Step-growth polymerization and Click Reactions
Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Awaji Island, Japan, 2013
77. Photochemical preparation of network films and their modification,
Y. Yagci,
Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen, Germany, 2013
78. New Photochemical Methods for Macromolecular Synthesis
Y. Yagci
International Conference on Science and Engineering of Polymeric Materials, Tunisia, 2014
79. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions for Macromolecular Syntheses
Y. Yagci
248. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Fransisco, USA, 2014
80. Visible light-induced Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization for Macromolecular
Y. Yagci, M. A. Tasdelen, B. Kiskan, M. Ciftci, S. Dadashi-Silab
248. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Fransisco, USA, 2014
81. Unconventional Sulfur Chemistries for Macromolecular Syntheses
Y. Yagci
26. International Symposium on Organic Chemistry of Sulfur, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
82. Light at the End of Tunnel for Macromolecular Syntheses
Y. Yagci
5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
83. New Concepts in Photoinitiated Conventional and Controlled/Living Radical Polymerizations
Y. Yagci
Chinese Society for Imaging Science and Technology (CSIST) Conference, Bejing China, 2014
84. Dimanganese Decacarbonyl Based Visible Light Photoinitiating Systems for Macromolecular Synthesis
M. Ciftci, S. Bektas, A.G. Yilmaz, B. Iskin, M.A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
Eurepean Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna, Austria, 2014
85. Benzoxazine Chemistry for the Preparation of Advanced Materials,
C. Aydogan, M. Arslan, O. S.Taskin, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 46th World Polymer Congress, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2014
86. Photochemistry and Photophysics of Photoinitiators for Free Radical Polymerization
S. Jockusch, N. Arsu, Y. Yagci
European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna, Austria, 2014
87. Photoinduced ATRP and CuAAC Click Reactions and Their Combinations for
Macromolecular Syntheses
S. Doran, E. Murtezi, S. Dadashi-Silab, M. Ciftci, G. Yilmaz, M.A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
249. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, USA, 2015
88. New Approaches for Macromolecular Syntheses by Photochemical Methods
Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
89. Combination of conjugated and conventional polymers and their alternative
H. Akbulut, G. Yilmaz, D.G. Colak, I. Cianga, B. A. Temel, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
European Polymer Congress, Dresden, Germany, 2015
90. Long Wavelength Photoinitiating Systems for Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Bordeaux, France, 2015
91. Unconventional Uses of Benzoxazine Chemistry in Polymer Science
Y. Yagci, B. Kiskan, O. S. Taskin, M. Arslan, C. Aydogan
IUPAC 11th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Yokohoma, Japan, 2015
92. Conventional and Living Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerizations of Vinyl Ethers
Y. Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Bordeaux, France, 2015
93. Photoinduced Click Reactions
Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Science and Engineering of Polymeric Materials, Skanes, Tunisia, 2016
94. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions in Macromolecular Syntheses
Y. Yagci
26th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry, Osaka, Japan, 2016
95. New Photochemical Strategies for Macromelcular Syntheses and Lithography
The 33rd International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology; Chiba,
Japan 2017
96. Photoinduced ATRP and CuAAC Click Reactions and Their Combinations
Y. Yagci
4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig, Germany, 2016
97. Mechanism of Metal-Free Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization
S. Jockusch, Y. Yagci, G. Yilmaz, J. Sivaguru
4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig, Germany, 2016
98. Photochemical Routes for Conventional and Controlled Polymerizations
Y. Yagci
KAUST Research Conference: Polymers-Designing Macromolecules for Applications, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 2017
99. Benzodioxinone Photochemistry. A Versatile Route to Macromolecular Synthesis
C. Aydogan, Y. Alkan, M. Ciftci, G. Yılmaz, M. A. Tasdelen, V. Kumbaraci, N. Talinli, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
100. Photoinitiated Metal Free Living Radical and Cationic Polymerizations
M. Ciftci, G. Yılmaz, Y. Yagci
The 34th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology; Chiba,
Japan 2017
101. Metal Free Approaches for Conventional and Controlled/Living Polymerization
Y. Yagci
GDCh Wissenshaftsforum Chemis, Berlin, Germany 2017
102. New Methods for Photoinitiated Controlled/Living Radical and Cationic
Polymerization Processes
Y. Yagci
XXVI. International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, 2017
103. Light Induced Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization and Coupling Processes
Y. Yagci
4th Sino-UK Bilaterel Symposium on Macromolecules and Soft Matter, Hefei, China, 2017
104. Combination of Conventional and Controlled/Living Radical and Ionic
Polymerizations by Photoinduced Processes
Y. Yagci
12th IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Durham, England,
105. Macromolecular Design for Bioaplications
Y. Yagci
The International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers
Ohrid, Macedonia, 2017
106. Photoinduced Metal Free Strategies for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
G. Yilmaz, C. Kutahya, A. Allushi, C. Aydogan, S. Aykac, Y. Yagci
254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Washington, USA, 2017
107. Photoinduced controlled/living radical polymerization and coupling process, and
potential application in coatings
Y. Yagci
European Coatings, Future Dialogue, Berlin, Germany, 2017
108. Synthesis of Hyperbranched of Polymers and Their Applications
C. Aydogan, M. Ciftci, Y. Yagci
Paint Istanbul, International Conference on Coatings, Istanbul, 2018
109. Pushing the Limits of Benzoxazine Chemistry for Smart Applications
B. Kiskan, M. Arslan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2018, The 6th International Symposium on Network Polymers, Shanghai,
China 2018
110. Photochemical Approaches for Hyperbranched Polymers
C. Aydogan, M. Ciftci, Y. Yagci
The International Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wuxi, China 2018
111. Mechanisms of Photoinitiated Metal-Free Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization
S.Jockush, Y. Yagci
The International Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wuxi, China 2018
112. Shining a Light on Macromolecular Syntheses (Award Lecture)
Y. Yagci
Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group, Blankenberge, Belgium 2018
113. Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and
Polymerization Processes
G.Yılmaz, Y.Yagci
EuCHeMS conference on Organic Free Radicals, Marsellie, France 2018
114. Multi-mode Polymerizations Involving Photoinduced Radical Polymerization
G.Yılmaz, Y.Yagci
The 35th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology; Chiba,
Japan 2017
115. New Synthetic Approaches for Benzoxazine Based High Performance Thermosets for
Unconventional and Smart Applications
B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
47th IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Cairns, Australia, 2018
116. Metal Free Photoinduced ATRP
G. Yilmaz, Y.Yagci
European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, 2018
117. Photochemical Routes to Complex Macromolecular Architectures
Y. Yagci
1st International Balkan Chemistry Congress, Edirne, Turkey, 2018
118. Unconventional Polymerization Applications of Conjugated Systems and
Y. Yagci 3. International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies,
Kırklareli, 2018
119. Complex Macromolecular Architectures by Photoinduced ATRP and Its
Combinations with the Other Polymerization Modes
G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci, IUPAC 13th International Conference on Advanced
Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Stellenbosch, South Africa; 2019
120. Visible and Near Infrared Sensitization on Coventional and Controlled/living Polymerizations
Y. Yagci, International Symposium on Polymer Photochemistry, Guangzhou, China, 2019
121. Photochemical Approaches for the Preparation of Functional Polymers
Y. Yagci, 2nd International Conference on Physcial Chemistry and Functional
Materials, Cappodocia, Turkey, 2019
122. Benzoxazine Chemistry: A Versatile Toolbox for Smart Material Synthesis
B.Kiskan, Y. Yagci, VII International Baekeland Symposium, Taragona,
123. New Photoinitiating Systems for for Chain and Step-growth Polymerizations
Y. Yagci, German Chemical Society, (GDCh) 27. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry, 2020
124. Light and Polymers
Y. Yagci, Comstech Distinguished Scholars Program (Virtual Seminer Series), 2020
125. Photoinduced Step-Growth Polymerizations (Plenary)
E. Sarı, T. Celiker, B.Nakipoglu, K. Kaya, S. Koyuncu, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci, 6. European Syposium on Photopolymer Science, (Virtual) Vieanna, Turin, 2021
126. New Approaches in Benzoxazine Chemistry for the Synthesis of Advanced Materials,
B. Kışkan, Y. Yagci, 4th International Symposium on Polybenzoxazines. Luxenbourg, 2021
The Other Presentations
127. Studies on Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci
International Symposium on the New Trends of Polymer
Photochemistry, Stockholm , Sweden (1985)
128. Poly(butyl vinylether) with Photoactive Terminal Groups
Y.Yagci , W.Schanabel and A.Ledwith
31. IUPAC Macromolecular Symposium, Merseburg , GDR (1987)
129. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization Promoted by Acyl Phosphine
Y.Yagci and W.Schnabel
8. IUPAC Symposium on Cationic Polymerization and Related Process,
Munich, FRG (1987)
130. Laser Flash Photolysis and Pulse Radiolysis Studies on Sulfonium and
Iodinoum Salts - Photoinitiators for Cationic Polymerization
S. P. Pappas, B. C. Pappas, M.Tilley, Y. Yagci and W. Schnabel
XI I. IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Bologna, Italy (1988)
131. Formation of Triphenylmethyl Cations by Laser Flash Photolysis
of Phenylazotriphenylmethane
Y. Yagci, M. Acar and W. Schnabel
International Symposium on Carbocations and Other Reactive
Intermediates, Tubingen, FRG (1988)
132. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
Y. Yagci and W. Schnabel
Berliner Polymer Tagen, Berlin, FRG (1988)
133. Block Copolymers by Combination of Ionic and Radical Routes
Y. Yagci and G . Hizal
9. IUPAC Symposium on Cationic Polymerization and Related Process,
Strasbourg, France (1989)
134. Photochemical Synthesis of Block Copolymers
Y. Yagci and W. Schnabel
XIII. IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Warwich, Coventry, England (1990)
135. Azo-benzoin Initiators
A. Onen and Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Mechanism and Kinetics of Polymerization, Their Use
in Polymer Synthesis, Paris, France (1990)
136. Synthesis of Polymers with Crown Ethers
U. Tunca and Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Mechanism and Kinetics of Polymerization, Their
Use in Poymer Synthesis, Paris, France (1990)
137. Azo-benzoin Initiators and Their Use in Block Copolymer Synthesis
Y. Yagci and A. Onen
XIV. IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Leuven, Belgium (1992)
138. Synthesis and Reactions of Functional Polyamides
S. Denizligil and Y. Yagci
34. IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Prauge, Czekoslavakia
139. AB Block Copolymers with Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Segments
G. Galli, E. Chellini, Y. Yagci, I. E. Serhatlı, M. Laus
14th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Pisa, Italy (1992)
140. Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers
E. Chellini, G. Galli, A. S. Angeloni, M. C. Bignozzi, M. Laus, I. E. Serhatli, Y.
ACS Meeting, Denver, USA (1993)
141. Block Copolymers with Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Segments
G. Galli, E. Chellini, Y. Yagci, İ. E. Serhatli, M. Laus, A. S. Angeloni
European Conference on Liquid Crystals Science and Tehnology, Films,
Swıtzerland (1993)
142. Azo-acyloxime Ester Initiators
S. Denizligil, A. Onen and Y. Yagci
Polymex, International Symposium on Polymers, Cancun, Mexico (1993)
143. Cationic Polymerization by Using Polymeric Photosensitizers
A. Onen and Y. Yagci
Polymex, International Symposium on Polymers, Cancun, Mexico (1993)
144. Charge Transfer Complexes of Pyridinium Salts as Photoinitiators for Cationic
G. Hizal, Y. Yagci and W.Schnabel
Polymex, International Symposium on Polymers, Cancun, Mexico (1993)
145. Chiral Liquid-Crystalline Block Copolymers Based on Polyether and Mesogenic
Polyacrylate Blocks
E. Chellini, G. Galli, I. E. Serhatli, Y. Yagci, M. Laus, A. S. Angeloni
4th International Symposium on Ferroelectric liquid Crystals, Tokyo, Japan (1993)
146. Free Radical Polymerization Using Pyridinium Salts
Y. Yagci, N. Kayaman, G. Hizal, A. Onen and W. Schnabel
Macroakron, 35. IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Akron,
Ohio, USA (1994)
147. Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers by Combination of
Cationic or Promoted Cationic and Free Radical Polymerization
I. E. Serhatli, Y. Yagci, E. Chellini and G. Galli
International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Poughkeepsie, New York, USA (1995)
148. Photoinduced Formation of Dihydroxypolytetrahydrofuran and Its Use in
Preparation of Polyurethane
G. Hizal, A. Sarman and Y. Yagci
International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Poughkeepsie, New York, USA (1995)
149. Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline Block and Graft Copolymers by Using
Macroinitiators and Macroinimers
I.E.Serhatli, Y.Hepuzer, Y. Yagci, G.Galli and E.Chiellini
Nato Advanced Research Workshop, Il Ciocco, Italy (1996)
150. Redox Initiated Cationic Polymerization: The Pyridinium salt /Ascorbate Redox Couple.
A.Onen, Y. Yagci, W.Schnabel
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Istanbul-Turkey (1995).
151. Photoinduced Synthesis of Amino Functional Telechelics
S.Denizligil, A.Onen, Y. Yagci
2nd IUPAC International Symposium on Free Radical Polymerization
Kinetics and Mechanisms, Santa Margherita Ligure-Italy (1996).
152. Separation of Block Copolymers From Parent Homopolymers By Using Liquid
Chromatography At The Point of Exclusion-Adsorption Transition
M.Janco, D.Berek, W.Schnabel, Ch-H.Fischer, Y. Yagci, A.Onen
10th International Symposium, Advances and Applications of Chromatography in
Industry, Bratislava (1996).
153. Electroinitiated Polymerization of 2-Chloroethylvinylether
E.Kalaycioglu, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
2. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Orlando, Florida, April (1997)
154. Photoinitiated Zwitterionic Polymerization of Alkylcyanoacrylates by Pyridinium Salts
N.Arsu, A.Onen, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Paris, France, July 1997
155. An Allylic Pyridinium Salt: Radical Promoted Latent Thermal Catalyst for Cationic Polymerization
A.Onen, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Paris, France, July 1997
156. Synthesis of Polymethylmethacrylate with Side Chain Block Copolymers of
Tetrahydrofuran and Methylmthacrylate
Y.Hepuzer, I.E.Serhatli, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Paris, France, July 1997
157. Photoinitiated Cationic and Free Radical Polymerization Bu Using Charge Transfer Complexes of Pyridinium Salts and Electron Donor Compounds
G.Hizal, E.Emiroglu, Y.Yagci
NATO ASI on Cationic Polymerization and Related Processes, London, Canada,
August 1998
158. Synthesis and Characterization of N-phenylmaleimide-methylvinylisocyanate copolymers with Polystyrene Side Chains
I.E.Serhatli, A.B.Duz, Y.Yagci
Eurepean Polymer Federation, Workshop on Controlled Radical Polymerization, Paris,
France, 1999
159. Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Transformation of Photosensitized Cationic
Polymerization to Stable Free Radical Polymerization
T.G.Yildirim, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
3. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Colonial Williamsburg, USA, Agust (1999)
160. Synthesis High Tg Maleimide-Methylvinyl Isocyanate Copolymers for Electrooptics
I.E.Serhatli, Y.Yagci, R. Zentel
3. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Colonial Williamsburg, USA, Agust (1999)
161. Block Copolymers by Transformation of Living Ring Opening Polymerization into Initer Process
A.Baskan Duz, G.Hizal, Y.Yagci
38. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Poland 2000
162. Synthesis of Multiphase Block and Graft Copolymers with Side Group Liquid Crystalline Blocks
Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci, G.Galli, E.Chellini
38. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Poland 2000
163. Synthesis and Characterization Conducting Block Copolymers of Thiphone-Ended Polystyrene with Polypyrrole
S.Alkan, L.Toppare, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthesis Metals, Australia, 2000
164. Comparative Study of Liquid Crystalline Ordering in Monomers, Linear Polymers and Graft Copolymers by Photon Transmission Technique
S.Yildiz, H.Ozbek, O.Pekcan, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
Am. Phys. Soc. 2000 Meeting, Minnepolis, USA, 2000
165. Neu Polymere auf Basis von 2,3-Dihydrofuran
H.Braun, O.Nuyken, Y.Yagci
Makromolekulares Kolloquium, Freiburg, Germany, 2001
166. Conducting Graft Copolymers of 3-Methyl Thienyl Methacrylate and Pyrrole
S.Alkan, L.Toppare, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci
4. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Gatlinburg, USA, Agust (2001)
167. Comblike PPP containing polymers obtained by controlled methods as lateral chains
I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
Academy Days of Iasi, Romania, 2001
168. 4-Maleimidobenzoic acid as multifunctional organic intermediate for the synthesis of poly(N-phenylmaleimides with special architectures and properties
L.Cianga, Y.Yagci
Academy Days of Iasi, Romania, 2001
169. Swelling and Drying Kinetics of Polytetrahydrofuran and Polytetrahydrofuran-
Poly(methyl methacrylate) Gels: A Photon Transmission Technique
S.Yildiz, Y.Hepuzer, Y.Yagci, O.Pekcan
VIII. Statistical Physics Days, Istanbul, 2001
170. Direct and Sensitized Photoinitiated Cationic Polymrization by Using Phenacylanilinium Salts
F.Kasapoğlu, A.Onen, N.Bicak, Y.Yagci
EPF Workshop on New Trends in Photopolymerization, France, 2002
171. Immobilization of Invertase in Thiophene Functionalized Menthyl-Pyrrole Copolymers
S.Kiralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, China, 2002
172. Synthesis and Chracterization of a New Copolymer PTSA Doped Polypyrrole
A.Levent, J.Hacaloglu, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, China, 2002
173. 2-Mercaptothioxanthone as a Novel Photoinitiator for Free Radical Polymerization
L.Cokbaglan, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
XIX. IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Hungary, 2002
174. 2-Mercaptothioxanthone as a Novel Photoinitiator for Free Radical Polymerization and Properties
M.Aydin, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci, S.Jockush, N.J.Turro
The Fifth International Conference on Chemical Physics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
175. Wavelength Flexibilty in Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Boston, June 2003
176. Synthesis of Triphenylmethyl Functionalized Poly(methyl methacrylate) by Anionic Polymerization and Block Copolymerization via Initer Technique
H.A.Alidedeoglu, Y.Yagci, T.Nugay
5. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Montreal, Canada, June (2003)
177. Synthesis of Heterotelechelic PEO Macromonomers for Amphiphilic Gels
J.Du, Y.Murakami, K.Ito, Y.Yagci
5. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Montreal, Canada, June (2003)
178. Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Wines with Enzyme Electrodes Fabricated by Immobilization of Polyphenol Oxidase in Conducting Copolymers
S.Kiralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
5. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Montreal, Canada, June (2003)
179. Synthesis and Chracterization of α-ω-Functional telechelics by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Coupling Processes
S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
5. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Montreal, Canada, June (2003)
180. Synthesis and Polymerization of Hetero-Telechelic PEO Macromonomers
J. Du, Y. Murakami, K. Ito, and Y.Yagci
52nd Meeting of Society of Polymer Science Japan, Yamaguchi, Japan September (2003)
181. Copolymers greffes parfaitement alternants par la formation de polyphenylene
I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
6ème COLLOQUE Franco-Roumain sur les POLYMERES” ROUEN, France, September,
182. Copolymèrs alternatifs avec des propriétés de cristaux liquides obtenus par la copolymérization médiée par des radicales stables N-oxy
L.Cianga, Y.Yagci, G.Galli
6ème COLLOQUE Franco-Roumain sur les POLYMERES” ROUEN, France, September,
183. Synthesis of Novel Thioxanthone Based Photoinitiators and Their Role in
M.Aydin, D.Karaca, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Functional Acrylates, Istanbul, September, 2004
184. Photoinitiated Crosslinking and Grafting of Methyl methacrylate by Using N,N-dimethyl Amino Functional Block Copolymers
A.E.Muftuoglu, Y.Yagci, K.Se
International Conference on Functional Acrylates, Istanbul, September, 2004
185. Investigation on Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide with
5-Thia-naphtacene-12-one and 5-Thia-pentacen-14-one
D.Karaca, A.Tasdelen, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Functional Acrylates, Istanbul, September, 2004
186. Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Copolymers of 3- Thiophene
polyethyleneoxide with Pyrrole and Thiophene
B. Yildiz, S. Kiralp, L. Toppare, Y.Yagci, K. Ito
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals
Wollongong, Australia, July 2004
187. Immobilization of Invertase and Glucose oxidase in Conducting Copolymers of
Poly(vinylalcohol) with Thiophene Side Groups and Polypyrrole
E. Sahmetlioglu, H. Yuruk, L. Toppare, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci
2nd Int. Physical Chemistry Days, Balikesir, Turkey, October 2004
188. The Use of N,N-Dimethylaniline End-functionalized Polymers in Photoinduced Block Copolymerization
A.E.Muftuoglu, I.Cianga, S.Yurteri, Y.Yagci
2nd Int. Physical Chemistry Days, Balikesir, Turkey, October 2004
189. Preparation of Sensitive Biosensors by Immobilization of Polyphenol Oxidase in Conducting Copolymers and Their application for Determination of Phenolic Copomunds in Red Wine
A.E.Buyukbayram, S.Kiralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
190. Synthesis and Chracterization of Graft and Branched Polymers via Type-II Photoinitiation
A.E.Muftuoglu, B.Saner, A.L.Demirel, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
191. Synthesis and Chracterization of Benzoxazine-Functionalized Poly(propyleneoxide) Amines and Their Thermal Curing Properties
A.Yildirim, B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
192. Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Curable Benzoxazine Functional Polystyrene
B.Kiskan, D.Colak, A.E.Muftuoglu, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
193. Synthesis and Chracterization of Napthoxazine Functional Poly(ε-caprolactone)
B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
194. Synthesis and Chracterization of Benzoxazine Substituted Maleimide Polymers by Photoinduced Radical Polymerization
B.Gacal, L.Cianga, T.Ageg, T.Takeichi, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
195. A Spectrochemical Study of Conducting Copolymers of A Thiophene Functionalized Polystyrene with Thiophenes
E.Sahin, P.Camurlu, L.Toppare, V.M.Mercore, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
196. Photoinduced Polymerization of Thiophene Using Iodonium Salt
F.Yilmaz, Y.Yagci, S.Kiralp, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
197. Side Chain Thioxanthone Polymers and Their Use as Photoinitiators for Free Radical Polymerization
G.Temel, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
198. Immobilization of Invertase in Conducting Polypyrrole/PMMA-PMTM Graft
H.B.Yildiz, S.Kiralp, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
199. The Use of Poly(ethylene oxide) as Hydrogen Donor in Type Photoinitiated Free RadicalPolymerization
M.A.Tasdelen, E.Kahveci, S.Keskin, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
200. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of N-Phenacyl Benzoylpyridinium Salts
N.Yonet, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
201. New Polyphenylene-g-Polystyrene and Polyphenylene-g-Polystyrene/ Poly(ε-
caprolactone) Copolymers by Combined Controlled Polymerization and Cross Coupling
S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, A.L.Demirel, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
202. Synthesis and Characterization of Mid- and End-Chain Functional Telechelics by Controlled Polymerization Methods and Coupling Processes
D.Colak, I.Cianga, A.E.Muftuoglu, Y.Yagci
6. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Istanbul, Turkey, August (2005)
203. Layered Morphology of Poly(phenylene)s in Thin Films Induced by Substitution of Well-defined Poly(e-caprolactone) Side Chains
A.L.Demirel, S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci
Cost Chemistry-Action D19, Nano-Chemistry Workshop, Istanbul, 2005
204. Conducting Copolymers of Thiophene Functionalized Polystyrene with Thiophene
E.Sahin, P.Camurly, L.Toppare, V.M.Mercore, I. Cianga, Y.Yagci
11. International Materials Symposium, Denizli, Turkey, April 2006
205. Electrochromic Properties of Copolymer of N-(3-Thienyl methylene)-
Oxycarbonylphenyl) Maleimide with Thiophene and Its Electrochromic Device
M.Ak, P.Camurlu, L.Toppare, L.Cianga, Y.Yagci, F.Yilmaz
11. International Materials Symposium, Denizli, Turkey, April 2006
206. Immobilization of Tyrosinase and Alcohol Oxidase in Conducting Copolymers ofThiophene Functionalized Poly(vinyl alcohol) with Pyrrole
E.Sahmetlioglu, H.B.Yildiz, A.E.Boyukbayram, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
11. International Materials Symposium, Denizli, Turkey, April 2006
207. A New Oil Based Binder by Polymerization of Modifıed Triglyceride
O. Eksik, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yagci
1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary (2006)
208. Styrenation of Triglyceride Oil Controlled / Living Free Radical Polymerization
N. Alemdar, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yagci
6th International Paint, Varnish, Ink & Auxiliary Products Industry Congress &
Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey (2006)
209. Stimuli-Responsive Conjugated Polymers for Interactive Smart Textiles
L. Cianga, I. Cianga, F. Tanasa, Y. Yagci, C. Loghin
Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, 47th Microsymposium, Advanced Polymer
Materials for Photonics and Electronics, Prague, Che Republic (2007)
210. Novel Poly(phenylene vinylene)s with Well-Defined Macromolecular Side Chains
D.G.Colak, I.Cianga, Y.Yagci, A.Cirpan, F.E.Karasz
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Maiami, USA, (2007)
211. Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combination of ATRP and Photoiniferter Processes (Honourable Poster Award)
Y.Y.Durmaz, B.Karagoz, N.Bicak, Y.Yagci
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Maiami, USA, (2007)
212. Thermally Curable Polystyrene via Click Chemistry
M.Ergin, B.Kiskan, B.Gacal, Y.Yagci
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Maiami, USA, (2007)
213. Styrenation of Triglyceride Oil Through Controlled/Living Free Radical Polymerization with the aid of TEMPO
N.Alemdar, A.T.Erciyes, Y.Yagci
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Maiami, USA, (2007)
214. A Dithienothiophene Derivative as a Long Wavelength Photosensitizer for Onium Salt Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
B.Aydogan, A.S.Gundogan, T.Ozturk, Y.Yagci
7. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Maiami, USA, (2007)
215. Advanced Epoxy Based Nanocomposites Obtained by UV Curing Process
M. Sangermano, B. Voit, P. Pötschke, Y. Yagci
42nd IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Tapei, Taiwan, 2008
216. Polytetrahydrofuran/clay Nanocomposites by Cationic Ring Opening Polymerization via in situ Polymerization and “Click” Chemistry Processes,
M. A. Tasdelen, W. Van Camp, E. Goethals, F. Du Prez, Y. Yagci,
Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group BPG 08 Sunparks De Haan, De Haan, Belgium, 2008
217. Oil Based Polymer Silver Nanocomposite Materials Prepared by Light-induced
Crosslinking Polymerization,
O. Eksik, M. A. Tasdelen, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yagci,
11th Annual NSTI Nanotech 2008 Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2008
218. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of Mono and Divinyl Ethers in Aqueous Medium Using Ytterbium Triflate as Lewis Acid
M. U. Kahveci, M. A. Tasdelen, W. D. Cook, Y. Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, (2008)
219. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric Thioxanthone Photoinitatiors via Double
Click Reactions
B. Gacal, H. Akat, D. K. Balta, N. Arsu, Y.Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, (2008)
220. Textile Composites Based on Conducting Polymers Obtained by Photopolymerization
I. Cianga, L. Cianga, D. G. Colak, Y.Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, (2008)
221. Synthesis and Characterization of Polyacetylene with Side-chain Thiophene
B. Koz, B. Kiskan, Y.Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, (2008)
222. A New Photoiniferter/Raft Agent for Ambient Temperature Rapid and Well-Controlled Radical Polymerization
Y. Y. Durmaz, M. A. Tasdelen, B. Karagoz, N. Bicak, Y. Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey, (2008)
223. Oil Based Polymer Silver Nanocomposite by Thermally and Photochemically Induced
Redox Reaction
O. Eksik, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yagci, 7th. International Paint & Auxiliary Products
Industry Congress & Exhibition, Istanbul, 2008
224. Synthesis of ABC Type Three Block Copolymers via Photoinduced Ketyl Coupling and Inner Iniferter Processes
G. Temel, B. Aydogan, N. Arsu, Y.Yagci
NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated
Macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano Structures, Antalya, Turkey,
225. Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of Mono and Divinyl Ethers in Aqueous MediumUsing Ytterbium Triflate as Lewis Acid
M. U. Kahveci, M. A, Tasdelen, W. D. Cook, Y. Yagci
30th Autralian Polymer Society Meeting, Melbourne, Australa, (2008)
226. Highly Conjugated Thiophene Derivatives for Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization in Visible Range
B.Aydogan, A.Durmus, G.E.Gunbas, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Krakow, Poland (2009)
227. Graft Copolymers by the Combination of ATRP and Photochemical Acylation Process by Using Benzodioxinones
Y.Y.Durmaz, V.Kumabarci, A.L.Demirel, N.Talinli, Y.Yagci
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Krakow, Poland (2009)
228. New Photoinitiating Systems Living/Controlled Cationic Polymerization and
Crosslinking of Vinylethers
M. U. Kahveci, M.A. Tasdelen, M. Uygun, W. Schnabel, W. Cook, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
229. New Thioxanthone Photoinitiators with Extended Absorption in the Visible Range
A. G. Yilmaz, B. Aydogan, Y. Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
230. Perfectly Alternating Amphiphilic Polyphenylenes by Combination of Controlled Polymerization and Coupling Processes
E.L.Sahkulubey, Y. Y. Durmaz, D. G. Colak, Y. Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
231. Synthesis and Characterization of Telechelic Polymers by Combination of ATRP and Click Chemistry
S.S.Okcu, Y.Y.Durmaz, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
232. Graft Copolymers by the Combination of ATRP and Photochemical Acylation Process Using Benzodioxinones
Y.Y.Durmaz, V.Kumbaraci, A.L.Demirel, N.Talinli, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
233. Synthesis of Block and Star Copolymers by Photoinduced Radical Coupling Process
G.Temel, B.Aydogan, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
234. Synthesis and Characterization of One-component Polymeric Photoinitiator by
Simultaneous Double Click Reactions and Its Use Photoinduced Free Radical
G.Temel, B.Aydogan, N.Arsu, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
235. Synthesis of Polyacrylamide Cryogels Using Free Radical Photopolymerization
M.U.Kahveci, Z.Beyazkilic, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
236. Photophysical Properties o PPP and PPV Derivatives Bearing Polystyrene or
Polycaprolactone as Side Groups
D.G.Colak, D.A.M.Egbe, E.Brickner, S.Yurteri, I.Cianga, E.Tekin, U.S.Schubert,
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
237. Polytetrahydrofuran/Clay Nanocomposites by In Situ Polymerization and “Click” Chemistry Processes Nano, Micro and Macromolecular Complex Structures by “Click Chemistry”: A New Synthetic Approach
International Conference on Nano Materials and Nano Systems, Istanbul, Turkey (2009)
238. Photoinduced Decomposition of Dibenzoyldiethylgermane. A Photochemical Route to Polygermanes
Y.Y.Durmaz, M.Kukut, N.Moszner, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
239. Fluorescence Sensing of Glucose Using Glucose Oxidase Modified by PVA-pyrene Prepared via Click Chemistry
D.Odaci, B.N.Gacal, B.Gacal, S.Yimur, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
240. Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Curable Benzoxazine Containing Polyesters for Improved Adhession Property
A.Tuzun, B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
241. Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Linear Polymer Containing 1,2,3-Triazole and Benzoxazine Groups in the Main Chain by Step-growth Click Coupling Reactions
B.N.Gacal, B.Gacal, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
242. In situ Synthesis of Acrylamaide Hydrogels Containing Silver Nanoparticles by Photoinduced Processes and Their Antimicrobial Properties
M.Uygun, M.U.Kahveci, D.Odaci, S.Timur, Y.Yagci
8. International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering,
Dresden, Germany, (2009)
243. Synthesis and Characterization of Triptycene Type Crosslinker and Its Use in
Photoinduced Curing Applications
S. Ates, B. Aydogan, L. Torun, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
244. Synthesis and Characterization of Fluid 1,3-Benzoxazine Monomers, and Their
Thermally Activated Curing
B. Koz, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
245. Acyl Germanes as Potential Photoinitiators for Thermosets and Precursors for Block Copolymers
Y. Y. Durmaz, M. Kukut, N. Moszner, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
246. Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermally Activated Curing of Oligosiloxanes
Containing Benzoxazine Moieties in the Main Chain
B. Kiskan, B. Aydogan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
247. High Molecular Weight Hydrogen Donors for Type II UV Curing
M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
248. Synthesis and Characterization of Main Chain Polyester with Benzoxazine Units and Carboxylic Groups
A. Tuzun, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya,Turkey (2009)
249. Intramolecular Cross-Linking of Polymers by Click Chemistry: A Facile Route to Soluble Polymeric Nanoparticles
H. Cengiz, B. Aydogan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
250. Imide Containing Monofunctional Benzoxazines
H. Celebi, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
251. Synthesis of Polybenzoxazine Precursors by Photo-Induced Thiol-ene System
Z. Beyazkilic, M. U. Kahveci, B. Aydogan, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
252. Telechelics as Precursors for Polycondensates and Thermosets by Combination of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Click Chemistry Processes
S. S. Okcu, Y. Y. Durmaz, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
253. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric One Component Type II Photoinitiator for Water-Borne Curing
H. Akat, B. Gacal, D. Karaca Balta, N. Arsu, Y.Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
254. Synthesis and Characterization of a Double Photochromic Initiator for Epoxy Curing
J. Kreutzer, K. Demir, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Antalya, Istanbul, Turkey (2009)
255. Benzoxazine Based Macromolecular Architecture
B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
256. New Photoinitiating System for Synthesis of Vinyl Ether Based Thermosets.
M. U. Kahveci, M. A. Tasdelen, M. Uygun, W. Schnabel, W. D. Cook, Y. Yagci
Baekeland 2009. 2nd International Symposium on Thermosets, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
257. Long Wavelength Photoinitiating Systems for Cationic Polymerization
B.Aydogan, Y.Y.Durmaz, M.U.Kahveci, M.Uygun, M.A.Tasdelen, Y.Yagci
11th Pacific Polymer Conference, Cairns, Australia, (2009)
258. Thermal and Photopolymerization of Vinyl Ethers Using Onium Salts
W.Cook, A.Cailere, F.Chen, M. Kahveci, Y. Yagci
11th Pacific Polymer Conference, Cairns, Australia, (2009)
259. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Triptycene Type Crosslinker and Its Use in Photoinduced Curing Applications,
L.Torun, S. Ates, B. Aydogan, Y. Yagci,
Frontiers in Polymer Science, Mainz, Germany (2009)
260. An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of One-Component Polymeric Photoinitiator: Simultaneous Double “Click” Reaction
B. Aydogan, G. Temel, N. Arsu, Y. Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
261. Novel Photoinitiating Systems for Living/Controlled Cationic Polymerization and Crosslinking of Vinyl Ethers
M. U. Kahveci, M. A. Tasdelen, M. Uygun, W. Schnabel, W. D. Cook, Y. Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
262. Synthesis of Poly(acrylamide) Cryogels by Photoinduced Polymerization
Z. Beyazkilic, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
263. Synthesis and Characterization of a Double Photochromic Initiator for Cationic
J. Kreutzer, K. D. Demir, Y. Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
264. Thioxanthone Derivatives with Fluorene Groups as Visible Light Absorbing Photoinitiators
G.Yilmaz. B.Aydogan, G.Temel, N.Arsu, N.Moszner, Y.Yagci
Paint, Congress & Exhibiton on Paint Industry & Auxillary Products, Istanbul, 2010
265. Multifunctional Textile Composite Based on Polythiophenes Containing Thermotropic Moieties. Synthesis and Chracterization
A. D. Bendrea, L.Cianga, I. Cianga, C. M. Loghin, S. Timur, D. O. Demirkol, S.
Sakarya, Y. Yagci
International symposium on Textiles for the Future, Iasi, Romania, 2010
266. "Click" Chemistry as a Novel Route for the Synthesis of Thioxanthone and Benzophenone Photoinitiators
B. Gacal, D. Tunc, Y. Yagci
European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, 2010
267. "Click" Chemistry as a Novel Route for the Synthesis of Thioxanthone and Benzophenone Photoinitiators
B. Gacal, D. Tunc, Y. Yagci European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, 2010
268. Polysulfone/metal Nanocomposites by Simultaneous Photoinduced Cross-linking and
Redox Reactions
I.Roppolo, M.Sangermano, V.H.Alves Camara, Y.Yagci, C.Dizman, S.Ates, L.Torun
European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, 2010
269. Oil and Water Soluble Thioxanthone Photoinitiators with Extended Absorption in the
Visible Range
G.Yilmaz, B.Aydogan, G.Temel, N.Arsu, N.Arsu, N.Moszner, Y.Yagci
European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France, 2010
270. Organic/Inroganic Hybrid Photocured Thrmosets Formed Without Shrinkage
W.D.Cook, M.Uygun, C.Moorhoff, F.Chen, K.Seito, C.Vallo, Y.Yagci, M.Sangermano
32. Australian Polymer Symposium, Coffs Harbour, Australia, 2011
271. Complex Structured Polymers as Fluorescence Probes for the Cell Imaging Studies
S. Timur, Y. Yagci , P. Unak, S. Sakarya, D. Colak, D. Odaci, I. Cianga, O.Kozgus, I.
The 10th Workshop on Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microtechniques in Environmental
and Clinical Analysis, Weimar, Germany, 2011.
272. Thioxanthone Based Photoinitiators for Free Radical Polymerization
S. Jockusch, N. Turro, N. Arsu, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
273. In Situ Synthesis of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites by Type II Photoinitiated
Free Radical Polymerization
C. Altinkok, T. Uyar, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
274. Host/Guest Complexes of Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) and Type I Photoinitiator with
Methyl-β-Cyclodextrin and Investigation of Photopolymerization of Methyl-β
Cyclodextrin/ MMA+ Type I Photoinitiator in Water
F. Karasu, A. S. Aslan, E. Tosun, Y. Yagci, N. Arsu
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
275. Synthesis and Characterization of Graft Copolymers of 2-Alkyl-2-oxazolines
Initiated by Polysulfone Macroinitiator
S. Ates, C. Dizman, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
276. Synthesis of H-Shaped Polymers by Combination of Photoinduced Radical
Coupling, Ring-Opening Polymerization and Iniferter Processes
B. Aydogan, J. Amici, M. Sangermano, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
277. Poly(p-phenylene methylene) Based Block Copolymers by Mechanistic
S. Beyazit, D. Gunes, N. Bicak, P. Tatar, A. L. Demirel, Y. Yagci, M. A. Tasdelen
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
278. Synthesis and Functionalization of PEG Hydrogels by Photopolymerization and
Click Chemistry
M. Ciftci,M. U. Kahveci, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
279. Polysulfone/Clay Nanocomposites by in situ Photoinduced Crosslinking
C. Dizman, S. Ates, T. Uyar, M. A. Tasdelen, L. Torun, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
280. Polybenzoxazine/Clay Nanocomposites by in situ Thermal Ring-Opening
Polymerization Using Intercalated Monomer
K. D. Demir, M. A. Tasdelen, T. Uyar, A. W. Kawaguchi, A. Sudo, T. Endo, Y.Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
281. Formation of Trimethylsilylated Open-Cage Oligomeric Azidophenylsilsesquioxanes
V. Ervithayasuporn, X. Wang, B. Gacal, B. N. Gacal, Y. Yagci, Y. Kawakami
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
282. Poly(phenylene vinylene)s Substituted with Macromolecular Chains Synthesized
by Different Methods
D. G. Çolak, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
283. ABC Type Miktoarm Star Copolymers through Combination of Controlled
Polymerization Techniques with Thiol-ene and Azide-Alkyne Click Reactions
B. Iskin, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
284. Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combination of Atom Transfer Radical
Polymerization and Free Radical Promoted Cationic Photopolymerization
G. Acik, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
285. Synthesis of Biocompatible Poly(styrene-co-L-lactide) Copolymer via Click
M. Kukut, O. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
286. The Effect of Metallic Component on Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of
Vinyl Ethers Using Substituted Vinyl Halides
F. Oytun, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
287. Counter-anion Sensitization Approach to Photoinitiated Free Radical
G. Yilmaz, G. Acik, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
288. Thioxanthone-ethylcarbozole as a Soluble Visible Light Photoinitiator for Free
Radical and Free Radical Promoted Cationic Polymerizations
D. Tunc, Y.Yagci
IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Cappadocia, Turkey, 2011
289. Thermally Curable Acetylene Containing Main Chain Benozxazine Containing Polymers Via Sonogashira Coupling Reaction
K.D.Demir, B. Kiskan, Y.Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Lodz, Poland, 2011
290. In-situ Formation of Metal and Ceramic Nanostructured Composites with Thermosetting Resins
W. Cook, M. Uygun, C. Morhoff, Q. Chen, F. Chen, K. Seito, C. Vallo, Y. Yagci, M.
12th Pasific Polymer Congress, Jeju, Korea, 2011
291. Benzoxazine modified triglyceride oil as coating materials
C. Yildirim, A. T. Erciyes, Y. Yagci.
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Balcksburg, Virginia, USA, 2012
292. Synthesis of ABC type miktoarm star copolymers by triple click chemistry.
G. Yilmaz, B. Iskin, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
293. Photoinduced reverse ATRP of methyl methacrylate using camphorquinone/benzhydrol system.
O. S. Taskin, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
294. Photoinduced free radical promoted copper(I)-catalyzed click chemistry for
macromolecular syntheses.
M. Tasdelen, G. Yilmaz, B. Iskin, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
295. Visible light induced atom transfer radical polymerization.
M. Ciftci, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
296. Polythiophene containing multifunctional phenacylium photoinitiator.
M. Aydin, K. D. Demir, K. Takagi, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
297. Sugar overcomes oxygen inhibition in photoinitiated free radical polymerization.
F. Oytun, M. U. Kahveci, Y. Yagci.
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia, USA, 2012
298. Mono-addition synthesis of polystyrene-fullerene (C60) conjugates by thiol-ene
B. Iskin, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Balcksburg, Virginia, USA, 2012
299. Photoinduced Cationic Crosslinking of PEG-based Polymers with Highly Reactive Vinyl Ether Side Chains
E. Tunc, B. Aydogan Temel, C. Mangold, H. Frey, Y. Yagci
3. International Symposium on Polymer Composites, Izmir, Turkey, 2012
300. Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Benzoxazine Precursors
B. Hamamci, B. Kiskan,. Y. Yagci,
International Advances in Applied Physics and Material Science Congress (APMAS),
Antalya, Turkey, 2013
301. Manganese decacarbonyl Assisted Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polymers by Visible Light Irradition
S. Bektas, M. Ciftci, Y. Yagci,
International Advances in Applied Physics and Material Science Congress (APMAS),
Antalya, Turkey, 2013
302. Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polymers by Visible Light Initiated Radical Polymerization
S. Bektas, M. Ciftci, Y.Yagci,
Frontiers in Polymer Science, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
303. Recent Advances in the Chemical Functionalization of Polysulfones
M. A. Tasdelen, C. Dizman, Y. Yagci
Eurepean Polymer Congress, Pisa, Italy, 2013
304. Reusable Thioxanthone Based Photoinitiator For Free Radical Polymerization
U.U. Ozkose, A. G. Yilmaz, H. Bildirir, Arne Thomas, Y. Yagci
Eurepean Polymer Congress, Pisa, Italy, 2013
305. Synthesis and Characterization of Polysulfone/ POSS Hybrid Networks by Photoinduced Crosslinking Polymerization
M. A. Tasdelen, C. Dizman, T. Uyar, Y. Yagci
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
306. Synthesis of Polystyrene-b-Poly(ethylene glycol) by Combination of ATRP and RAFT Polymerization Methods
M. Arslan, Y.Yagci, G. Yilmaz
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
307. Poly(p-phenylene) -Type Copolymers for Targeted Cell Imaging and Diagnosis
D.G. Colak, I. Cianga, D. O. Demirkol, O. Kozgus, E. I. Medine, S. Sakarya, P. Unak,
S. Timur, Y. Yagci
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
308. Amphiphilic Poly(p-phenylene vinylenes) with “Hairy-Rod” Architecture for Fluorescent Water Self-Dispersible Nanoparticles Formed by Self-Assembly
D. G. Colak, I. Cianga, A. D.Bendrea, Luminita Cianga, Y. Yagci
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
309. Synthesis And Characterization Of Polythiophene Copolymers Posessing Poly(N-Isopropyl Acrylamide), Poly(Ethylene Glycol) And Polypeptide Side Chains
H. Akbulut, Y.Yagci, T.Endo, S.Timur
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
310. Synthesis And Characterization Of Anthraquinone Based Polybenzoxazines
C.Aydogan, B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
44th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
311. One Step Synthesis of Hydrogels With Clickable Moieties By Photopolymerization
E. Murtezi, M. Çiftci, Y. Yagci
44th IUPAC World Chemsitry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
312. Functional 1,3-Benzoxazines for Advanced Materials
B.Kiskan, Y.Yagci
XIV. Eurepean Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013
313. Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Photoiniduced Coupling of Ketyl Mactoradicals Generated from Benzophenone/Benzhydrol System
O.S.Taskin, B.A. Temel, M.A.Tasdelen, Y.Yagci
International Conference on Science and Engineering of Polymeric Materials, Tunisia, 2014
314. Benzoxazine Based Self-healing Polymers
M. Arslan, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
248. ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Fransisco, USA, 2014
315. Polybenzoxazine: A powerful tool for removal of mercury salts from water
O.S. Taskin, B. Kiskan, A. Aksu, N. Balkis, J.Weber, Y. Yagci
5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
316. Synthesis of Sulfur-rich Polybenzoxazines
M. Arslan, B.Kiskan, Y. Yagci
5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
317. Thiol Reactıve Maın Chaın Benzoxazıne Functıonal Hyperbranched Polymers
E. Semerci, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
318. Photochemically Mediated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Using Polymeric Semiconductor Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Nitride
S. Dadashi-Silab, M. A. Tasdelen, B. Kiskan, X. Wang, M. Antonietti, Y. Yagci
Eurepean Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna, Austria, 2014
319. Nano-Structured Amphiphilic Star-Hyperbranched Blockcopolymers for Drug
M. Seleci, D. A. Seleci, M. Ciftci, D. O. Demirkol, F. Stahl, S. Timur, T. Scheper,
Conference of Scientific Corporation Between Lower Saxony and Israel, Hannover,
Germany 2015
320. Synthesis of Block Copolymers Based on Polyethylene by Thermally Induced Controlled Radical Polymerization Using Mn2(CO)10
M. Ciftci, S. Norsic, C. Boisson, F. D’Agosto, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
321. Copper(II)-Thioxanthone: A Photoswitchable Catalyst for the Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition
S.Dadashi-Silab, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
322. Thioxanthone Modified Poly(vinyl alcohol) as a Macro-initiator for Photoinuced
Radical Polymerization
S. Kork, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
323. Click Reaction of Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Using Solid Supported Microporous Heterogenous Copper(I)-Catalyst
O. S. Taskin, S.Dadashi-Silab, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
324. Visible Light-induced Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide Alkyne Cycloaddition with Zinc
Oxide Semiconductor Nanoparticles
O. Yetisken, S.Dadashi-Silab, S. B. Khan, A. M. Asiri, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
325. Self-Healing Polymers from Polybenzoxazines
B. Kiskan, M. Arslan, Y. Yagci
European Symposium on Organic Reactivity, Kiel, Germany, 2015
326. Synthesis and Characterization of Cyclodextrin Modified Montmorillonite Clay
M. Arslan, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Polymers from Renewable Resources, Istanbul, 2015.
327. Heteroatom rich microporous polymers for electronic and catalytic applications,
Bildirir H, Yassin A., Osken I., Dadashi-Silab S., Dawson R., Yagci Y., Ozturk T., Thomas A.,
ProcessNet, Germany, 2015
328. Poly(epsilon caprolactone)/Clay Nanocomposites via Host-Guest Chemistry
M. Arslan, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci
Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany 2015
329. Hyperbranched Polymers by Visible Light Induced Self-Condensing Vinyl
C. Aydogan, M. Ciftci, Y. Yagci
Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany 2015
330. Synthesis and Characterization of Ethyl Carbazole-Phenacyl Salt as Photoinitiator for
Free Radical Polymerization
M. Kara, S. Dadashi-Silab, Y. Yagci
Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany 2015
331. Photoinduced Copper-Catalyzed Click Chemistry by Semiconductor Nanoparticles: A
Macromolecular Approach
O. Yetiskin, S. Dadashi-Silab, S. B. Khan, A. M. Asiri, Y.Yagci
Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany 2015
332. Polyethylene-g-poly(cyclohexene oxide) by Mechanistic Transformation from ROMP
to Visible Light-induced Free Radical Promoted Cationic Polymerization
M. Ciftci, S. Kork, G. Xu, M. R. Buchmeiser, Y. Yagci
Photopolymerization Fundamentals Boulder, CO USA, 2015.
333. Shedding Light upon the Influence of Conformations and Microstructure on the
Photophysical Properties of Conjugated Polymers: Case Study on Fluorene-Vinylene
Alternating Copolymers in “Hairy-Rod” Architecture
I. Cianga, D. Goen Colak, L. Cianga, E. G. Hitruc, Y. Yagci
The 3nd CEEPN Workshop on Polymer Science, Iasi, Romania, 2015
334. Photoinduced in situ formation of clickable PEG hydrogels and their antibody conjugation,
M. Ciftci, M.U. Kahveci, S. Evran, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
EMN Meeting On Hydrogel Materials 2016, Singapore, 2016.
335. Combining Elemental Sulfur with Polybenzoxazines via Inverse Vulcanization
M.Arslan, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
World Congress on Living Polymerizations and Polymers, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
336. New Photochemical Strategies for Macromolecular Syntheses
G.Yılmaz, Y.Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
337. Adapting Polybenzoxazines for Smart Applications
B. Kiskan, M.Arslan, O.S. Taskin, Y.Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
338. Highly Efficient Poly(fluorene phenylene) Graft Copolymer as a New Class of Binder for High-Capacity Silicon Anode in Lithium-ion Batteries
N.Yuca, M.E.Cetintasoglu, M.F.Dogdu, H.Akbulut, S.Tabanli, U.Colak, O.S. Taskin, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
339. Oxidative Cross-Dehdyrogenative Coupling of Terminal Alkynes with Thiols Using
Cu(I) Incorporated Schiff Base Network Polymer as Catalyst
Y. Alkan, O.S. Taskin, B. Kiskan, Y.Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
340. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Fluorene-Vinylene Alternating Copolymers in
“Hairy-Rod” Architecture: Side Chain – Mediated Tuning of Conformation,
Microstructure and Photophysical Properties
D. G. Colak, I. Cianga, L.Cianga, Y.Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
341. The use of 1-(2-anthryl)-1-phenylethylene moiety at the chain end to perform chain
extension and block copolymerization reactions
C. Ozguc, Y. Yagci, T. Nugay
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
342. Synthesis of Clickable Hydrogels and Linear Polymers by Type II Photoinitiation
M. Ciftci, E. Murtezi, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
343. Dibenzoyldiethylgermane as a Visible Light Photo-reducing Agent for CuAAC Click
M. Arslan, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
344. Visible and LED Light-Induced Metal Free ATRP Using Electron Acceptor Dyes in
Conjunction with Amines
C. Kutahya, F. S. Aykac, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
345. Benzodioxinone Photochemistry for Macromolecular Synthesis
V. Kumbaraci, N. Talinli, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
346. Photo-initiated Metal-Free Controlled Living Radical Polymerization Using
Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds
A. Allushi, S. Jockusch, G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
347. Synthesis of Hyperbranced Polymer Using Benzodioxine Chemistry
B. Aydogan, M. Ciftci, V. Kumbaracı, N. Talınlı, Y. Yagcı
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
348. New coatings based on fluoropolymer/ clay nanocomposites prepared by in situ
polymerization: Synthesis and characterizations
M. Raihane M. Karamane, Y. Yagci, M. Lahcini, M. Ilsouk, M.A. Tasdelen
46. IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
349. In Situ Synthesis of Novel Fluorinated Methacrylate/Clay Nanocomposites by Radical
Polymerization: Structure and Characterizations
M. Raihane, M. Karamane, Y. Yagci, M. Lahcinia, M. Ilsouk, M. Atilla Tasdelen
Fluoropolymers 2016, New Orleans, USA, 2016
350. Reducing Cure Temperatures of Benzoxazines via Amine Salts
A.Kocaarslan, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
KAUST Research Conference: Polymers-Designing Macromolecules for
Applications, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 2017
351. Polyethylene-g-polystyrene Copolymers by Combination of ROMP. Mn2(CO)10
Assisted TEMPO Substitution and NMRP
M. Ciftci, M. Buchmeiser, Y. Yagci
KAUST Research Conference: Polymers-Designing Macromolecules for
Applications, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 2017
352. Post-modıfıcatıon of Polybutadienes by Photoinduced Hydrogen Abstractıon from
Benzoxazines and Their Thermally Activated Curing
M. Arslan, B. Kiskan, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
353. Synthesıs of Hyperbranched Polymers by Metal Free Photochemical Approach
C. Aydogan, G.Yilmaz, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
354. Visible and NIR Light Photoinduced Metal-Free Atom Transfer Radical
C. Kutahya, C. Schmitz, Y. Yagci, V. Strehmel, B. Strehmel
255th ACS Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2018
355. Simultaneous and Sequentıal Synthesis of Polyaniline-g-Poly(ethylene glygol) by
Combination of Oxidative Polymerization and CuAAC Click Chemıstry: A Water
Soluble Instant Response Glucose Biosensor Material
T. C. Bicak, M. Gicevičius, T. C. Gokoglan, G. Yilmaz, A. Ramanavicius, L. Toppare , Y.Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
356. Metal-free ATRP with Light as the Smallest Activator: Visible and NIR Light for
Synthesıs of Tailor-made Polymers
C. Kutahya, A. G. Yilmaz, Y. Yagci, J. S. Gutmann, B. Strehmel
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
357. Preparation of Fluorinated Methacrylate/clay Nanocomposite via in-situ Radical Polymerization: Characterization, Structure, and Properties
M.Raihane , M. Karamane, M. A. Tasdelen, T. Uyar, M. Lahcini, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
358. Block Copolymer Synthesis in One-shot: Concurrent Metal-free ATRP and ROP
G. Yilmaz, C. Aydogan, C. Kutahya, A. Allushı, Y. Yagci
IUPAC 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular
Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, 2017
359. Metal Free PhotoATRP with NIR-Sensitizers
C.Kutahya, Y.Yagci, V. Strehmel, J. Gutman, B. Strehmel
GDCh Wissenshaftsforum Chemis, Berlin, Germany, 2017
360. Double fluorescence assay via a β-cyclodextrin containing conjugated polymer as a
biomimetic material for cocaine sensing
M. Arslan, T. Y. Sengel, E. Guler, Z. P. Gumus, E. Aldemir, H. Akbulut, H.
Coskunol, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
International Symposium on Chemistry via Computation. Applications on Molecular
Nanoscience, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
361. Catechol-bearing Polypeptide Modified Gold Nanoparticles for Point-of-Care
Detection of Immunoglubulin G as a Cancer Biomarker
A. Aydindogan, T. Endo, S. Yamada, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
5. International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, "IC-ANMBES 2018", Romania, 2018
362. Catechol-attached Polypeptide with Functional Groups as Electrochemical Sensing
Platform for K2-Spice
C. Durmus, Eda Aydindogan, Z. P. Gumus, T. Endo, S. Yamada, S. Timur, Y. Yagci
5. International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, "IC-ANMBES 2018", Romania, 2018
363. Modification of Polyolefins by Click Chemistry
M. Ciftci, D. Wang, M. Buchmeiser, Y.Yagci
Paint Istanbul, International Conference on Coatings, Istanbul, 2018
364. Visible and NIR Light Photoinduced Metal-Free Atom Transfer Radical
C. Kutahya, C. Schmitz, Y. Yagci, V. Strehmel, B. Strehmel
256th ACS Meeting, New Orleans USA, 2018
365. Photocatalysis with NIR Sensitizers and Cu(II) at ppm scale: photo-ATRP and Azide-
Alkyne Cycloaddition Click Reactions
C. Kutahya, Y. Yagci, B. Strehmel
27th Photo IUPAC, Dublin, Ireland, 2018
366. Smart CholestroMopping Polymer Nanoparticles in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C
A. Puglisi, Y. Yagci
Euroscience Open Science Forum, Toulouse, France, 2018
367. Unconventional applications of benzoxazine chemistry for advanced materials
B.Kiskan, M. Arslan, Y. Yagci,
256th ACS Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2018
368. Ring-Opening Polymerization of 1,3-Benzoxazines via Borane Catalyst
M.Arslan, B. Kiskan, Y.Yagci
1st International Balkan Chemistry Congress, Edirne, Turkey, 2018
369. Combining Benzoxazine and Ketene Chemistries for Self-healing of High
Performance Thermoset Surfaces
M. Arslan, A. Motallebzadeh, B. Kışkan, A. L. Demirel, I. V. Kumbaraci, Y. Yagci
3. International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies, Kırklareli,
370. Self-Assembled Polymeric Micelle Nanoparticles as Smart Cyclodextrin-Releasing
A. Puglisi, Y. Yagci, International Symposium on SupraBiomolecular Systems-
Suprabio, Barcelona, Spain, 2019
371. Smart Cholesterol-Mopping Polymer Nanoparticles in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C
A. Puglisi, Y. Yagci – Marie Curie Association Annual Conference, Vienna,
Austria, 2019
372. A Versatile Approach for the Preparation of End-functional Polymers and Block
Copolymers by Stable Radical Exchange Reactions
Y. A.Goksu, G. Yılmaz, Y.Yagci, Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, 2019
373. Sulfur as a Feedstock for Advanced Materials
Z.Deliballi, B.Kiskan, Y. Yagci, VII International Baekeland Symposium, Taragona,
374. Amide Linkage Containing Polybenzoxazine Precursors
C.Durukan, B.Kiskan, Y. Yagci, VII International Baekeland Symposium, Taragona,
375. Combining Benzoxazine and Sulfur Chemistries for Advanced Materials
O. Bayram, B.Kiskan, Y. Yagci, VII International Baekeland Symposium, Taragona,
376. Polypeptide-functionalized Polymer Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles as
Immobilization and Sensing Platform for Codeine Analysis
U. Bulut, G. Bor, E. Guler Celik, S. Timur, Y.Yagci, International Eurasian
Conference on Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Ankara, Turkey, 2020
377. New Visible Light Donor-accepter Charge Transfer Complexes fo Cationic Polymerization
B.T. Ercan,, S. S. Gultekin, Y.Yagci, C. Zafer. 6. European Syposium on Photopolymer Science, (Virtual) Vieanna, Turin, 2021
378. Near-IR Light İnitiated Radical Photopolymerization Using 2D Black Phosphorous
A. Kocaarslan, Z. Eroglu, G. Yilmaz, O. Metin, Y, Yagci, 6. European Syposium on
Photopolymer Science, (Virtual) Vieanna, Turin, 2021
379. Highly Conjugated Visible and Near-Infrared Light Photoinitiating Systems
A. Suerkan, E. A. Alkan, K. Kaya,Y. A. Udum, L.Toppare, Y.Yagci, 6. European
Syposium on Photopolymer Science, (Virtual) Vieanna, Turin, 2021
380. A Novel Visible Light Induced Cationic Polymerization Method Based on Electrophlic Aromatic Substitution
H. C. Kiliclar, G. Yilmaz, Y.Yagci. 6. European Syposium on Photopolymer Science, (Virtual) Vieanna, Turin, 2021
381. Photoinduced Synthesis of Clickable Hydrogels
M. B. Bilgiç, K. Kaya, Y. Yagci, 4. East West Chemistry Congress, 2021, Turkey
382. Synthesis of Advanced Polymers from Simple Benzoxazines and Phenols
Z. Deliballi B. Kışkan, Y. Yagci, 4th International Symposium on Polybenzoxazines. Luxenbourg, 2021